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there is plenty of news from North London
Pale richly creamy fillling, studded with bright green pistachios, slathered over a generous crumb crust; make in advance
Dieter's Delight Skinny Chocolate Peppermint Mousse
Rich deep dark chocolate pudding; no egg yolks or butter; cream optional. Replace mint with fruit soaked in liqueur.
Light & lovely but still intensely chocolatey; no-bake, butter-free, cream optional |
Lower-fat with full-fat flavour; this is quick & easy loveliness. A store-bought pie shell saves time. Just 5 ingredients and it works with dark chocolate, too.
easy-peasy; tasters said the 'consistency was that of a good French patisserie'.
Creamy Pineapple Pudding, thrifty, easy, dairy free opt, choice of fruit
Luscious Lemon Pudding: gloriously gorgeous crowd-pleaser; diary-free option; yoghurt lightens & enhances creaminess and flavour; 67's Foolproof lemon curd instead of shop-bought elevates the dish and reduces the cost!
These recipes have been developed by B Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission