Monday, 20 December 2021



first published 2019
Practice makes perfect but if this is your first time cooking a turkey, these tips may help.
Choosing the Turkey

Size of turkey 
How big the turkey is depends on how many are coming for dinner and whether the household will be happy with cold turkey on Boxing Day and later.  In many homes, the Commander -in-Chief - usually Mum - will cook enough on Christmas Day so there's no need for cooking on Boxing Day.  

Fresh turkey - don't want a whole one?
Half turkeys or crown of breast can be ordered from favourite indie butchers or the butcher counter at major supermarkets.  If the budget is limited, some butchers and supermarkets sell breast or whole leg joints which have a substantial amount of meat.  Wings are popular, come in many sizes, crisp up beautifully and offer lovely white meat, whether roasted or casseroled.   Wings are found in local markets but also in surprising places -- a certain high-end food hall at the Marble Arch end of Oxford Street has been known to sell high welfare turkey joints at very reasonable prices but it has recently been taken over by the very posh Donald Russell.  They are looking at poissibly selling leg and wing joints   

Frozen turkey. 
67 has never tried frozen UK turkeys but they are popular.  

Where to buy: 
67goingon50 did not have great luck with supermarket turkeys in the years after arriving in England (an eternity ago) but gathers that supermarket turkeys have greatly improved and are now tasty and satisfying and easier to cook. (See  Monica Galetti's verdict on supermarket turkeys in the Times.)

67 operates on the less-but-better principle and usually indulges in a half turkey - Copa brand - from independent butchers Barrets on Englands Lane. It's expensive but worth every penny.  Also check out independent organic butchers listed on the net and places like Selfridges & Fortnum & Mason in central London   

 do this on Christmas Eve)
  • Put a halved lemon, some thyme & an orange inside the cavity but cook your stuffing separately.  (There are plenty of pork & bread stuffings out there - try Jaimie Oliver & Ina Garten - but 67's favourite is Amazing Asian Rice Stuffing)
  • Slather bird with olive oil (better for cholesterol-and/or dairy phobes) or butter;  if you like, cover breast with streaky oir turkey bacon 
  • In the bottom of the roasting pan, put a layer of sliced onions or fodmap friendly fennel (see tips below); cover with one inch/2cm water, plus a shot of brandy if you like. Add a couple of chopped carrots and celery, giblets if they came with the bird; place a metal rack/trivet in the pan and set turkey on top 
  • Make a tent of tinfoil using two or more wide sheets of strong tinfoil -  leaving several inches of space between the bird and the foil.  (You may need to fold the edges of the tinfoil sheets to make one large sheet big enough to cover the bird and the pan properly.  Tuck the edges firmly under the router im of the pan, enclosing the bird like a mini-oven. 
  • 67 has found The foil tent method to be the most effective way to keep the flesh moist and to end up with wonderful pan juices.  The foil is removed 45 mins before the end of cooking time to brown and crispen the skin.  But feel free to follow other methods that appeal.
Fennel: remove fronds and tough outer leaves, cover in a 99:1 mix of  water & vinegar or salt 20 mins, drain; remove 1/4 inch off bottom, slice thinly)  

BAKING THE BIG BIRD: high welfare birds vs standard
High welfare birds (eg pasture raised or organic) have more fat and cook faster.  A high welfare bird cooks 25-30 mins per kilo; a standard bird (factory farmed) cooks at 35-40 mins per kilo

  • Take the turkey out of the fridge at least two hours before cooking
  • Preheat oven to 180c, 350f. (if you have a fan oven, check manufacturers instructions for equivalent temperatures)
  • Cooking times:  roughly 2.25 kg/5lb - 1.25 hours; 3.5kg/8lb - 2 hours; 4.5kg/10lb - 2.5 hours; 5.5kg/12lb - 3 hours 
  • The bird will need to be throughly basted at least once an hour using a brush dipped in the juices below the bird or a squeegee bulb thing-y (from kitchen ware stores) which sucks up the juices and releases  them over the bird.  Just lift one edge of the foil and replace it after basting.  
  • Remove foil (and bacon slices if using) for last 45 mins of cooking, baste at regular intervals  (Bacon rashers can be cooled & kept for garnishes or sandwiches)
  • Test doneness by inserting thermometer in thickest part of thigh (without touching the bone); when done it will read 75c/165f.  OR if you don't have a thermometer, insert a skewer or point of knife into thickest part of leg; if juices released are still  pink, roast another 10-15 mins. OR squeeze leg meat with back of fork; it should move nicely against the bone
  • A special meat thermometer (mail order Nisbets & department stores)  inserted into the flesh as the turkey goes into the oven can help test doneness. The thermometer's button pops up when the meat is done
  • REST the cooked turkey (!!) abut half an hour.  Cover loosely with foil to help skin retain crispness.    The turkey won't go cold but the juices will return to the body of the meat, leaving the flesh succulent & tender.  Hot gravy will warm the meat and it will taste as if it has just come out of the oven.  Resting provides time to roast the potatoes, cook the veg etc
  •  Using a large spoon or ladle, skim as much fat as you can from the juices in the pan; (cool and discard fat ); add  juices to your pre-prepared gravy (How to...Gravy); serve gravy piping hot.
  • Carving a Turkey: check out Carving a Chicken; same principles, bigger bird - but leave skin on.  Use good Tongs and wear oven gloves  (they'll need soaking in hot soapy water afterwards before washing.)

  • Don't throw anything away; after dinner is over (the food should have cooled at least one hour), put everything in the fridge and forget about it.  On Boxing Day sort out what can go into the Boxing Day buffet and what can/needs to be frozen for future meals  
  • See Leftovers Christmas 2019 
  • Turkey carcass makes great broth, break it up, bag & freeze it for later


Accidents happen!
  • Many households have a cooked ham ready for Boxing Day hidden in a fridge or larder.  If all else fails, replace all or some turkey with ham
  • Most household will have a vegetarian/vegan option on the table; make a large version.  Even if the turkey is amazingly well cooked - and many will be - carnivores like to sample the vegetarian option as well, on Christmas or Boxing Day
  • Some Chinese restaurants are open from noon on Christmas Day; check your favourite ahead of time.  If it's a take-away that's needed, there could be a wait; reserves of holiday food may need to be raided.  If hoping to get into a restaurant, phone ahead to book.  Tip well - many of the staff will have a long-suffering wife, kids and relatives waiting at home...if they're not actually serving you or working in the kitchen!

DISCLAIMER: The author accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.  Any information not sourced to a second party is the copyright of the blogger.


A collection of memorable, beautiful, delicious treats and desserts for the festive  season...

Some are spectacular indulgences, perfect for a special occasion; some just fabulously tasty; some for the calorie challenged; some so easy the kids can make them; and some healthily vegetarian or vegan but so good you wouldn't know it!  And for the time-challenged, 'cheats' treats using supermarket friends.

Enjoy and have a very Merry Christmas!

1.  SPECIAL OCCASION -- Pure Indulgence

Fabulous Egg Nog, safe for oldies

Sophisticated Mocha Butter Cookies

Egg Nog Truffles: boozy, creamy rich indulgence, surprisingly easy to make 

Pear, Date & Hazelnut Streusel Cake: rich, rewarding indulgence adapted from a Great British Bake-Off contestant
Neither a crumble nor a cake but a fabulous combo of the two ..

Blackberry Whiskey Ginger Cheese-cake: sophisticated, with kid's version

Upside Down CheesecakeAdapted from Heston Blumethal's mother, this sensational classic cheesecake doesn't take long to put together but the cooling/wait time is virtually all day!  It is so worth every minute -- it's skinnier and lower in fat, and the crust is served separately to accommodate gluten-phobics

Triple Chocolate & Cointreau Shortbread, melts in the mouth, warms as it goes down!

Orange & Cointreau Cheesecake:  No-bake gorgeously creamy with a delicate layer of alcohol, this sophisticated healthier indulgence won't break the bank; lower-fat options

Choco-Mint Croissant Bread & Butter Pudding: To die for.  Families have been known to make one for Christmas Mass supper and another for Christmas Day.  Rich, light, gooey, with a crispy top, it's intensely chocolatey and sends guests into raptures.  Start 3 days in advance.



Boozy Orange Bread & Butter Pudding: Inexpensive but yummy with an alcoholic twist 


Light Gingerbread Sheet Cake - gingerbread cake but not as we know it, Jim: it's lighter and less gummy but fine textured and 'scrummy' without losing its gingery-ness!

Spicy Plum Pineapple Crumble Cake: fab egg-free tea-time treat

Cherry Almond Bakewell: Slightly skinnier (no pastry) & utterly sensational; snowy powdered sugar adds seasonal touches  


Skinny Chocolate Peppermint Mousse
Light & lovely but still intensely chocolatey;
no-bake, butter-free, cream optional

Tiramisu Pudding: slightly lower fat: fabulous layers of biscuit, creamy filling, coffee dipped ladyfingers & chocolate ganache;  less fat and fewer calories

Luscious Lemon Pudding: gloriously gorgeous; yoghurt lightens & enhances creaminess and flavour 

4.  Easy-Peasy

1 Recipe=2 Delicious Treats: Cinnamon Breakfast Twists & Blueberry Scones 
2-into-1 does go; double mouthwatering treats in one baking session 

Exquisite Emergency Almond Biscuits: delicious & delicate; gluten & dairy-free; unbelievably fast & easy, perfect for unexpected guests 


Cherry Garcia Ice Cream: Vegan, easy-peasy; the nicest, tastiest, healthiest ice cream; no cream - just bananas...


Orange Mini Cakes: kids love these fluffy cakes with a surprise filling

Pomelo (Chinese grapefrut) fruit platter with Cinnamon Vanilla Yoghurt Cream: wallet-friendly, low-fat 


Cheat's Christmas Log with help from supermarket logs -- chocolate, passion fruit, peach & raspberry 

Cheat's Black Forest Trifleso yummy & quick, assisted by supermarket pals

Chocomint Custard 'Poke' Sponge: kids will love this out-of-this world sponge liberally dotted with pockets of creamy minty chocolate custard ('cheat' with supermarket custard to save time & effort);  disappears in minutes 

Fruity sponge: a simple popular and oh-so-'scrummy' dessert with tinned fruit and  a simple delicious sponge; so easy, the kids can do it 

    These recipes have been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

Friday, 17 December 2021



Unbelievably, we are back into restricted conditions for Christmas gatherings.  Again.  

The culprit is a Covid variant, Omicron.  While  all signs indicate that the variant is highly transmissible, research also shows that it's likely to be a milder version,  leading to fewer deaths and hospitalisations.

If your household is opting for a smaller roast with all the trimmings, here are a few ideas for gorgeous main courses for smaller groups.

The usual alternative to the Big Bird is Chicken but guinea fowl and capon are also served.  Or try a pork, beef, lamb and fish dishes as well as vegetarian or vegan delights.

Whatever you choose for your festive meal/s, buy the best you can afford.  If organic is out of the question, some higher welfare meats are a good third cheaper than organic.  Even common-all-garden supermarket meat is good value, and presented in a non-traditional way, provides an attractive crowd-pleaser for the table.  


Corn-fed birds are a great alternative to organic and cost about half the price.  

Easy Christmas Dinner - is a prep-ahead chicken; a one-stop indulgence that's perfect for beginners as it virtually cooks itself.  Two rubs are available, one rich with paprika and orange, the other with orange, 5-spice  and hoisin.  Either steeps the bird with rich flavour.
Lightly spiced roast chicken; baked white & sweet potatoes; mixed veg  
 Extras: pineapple dessert & pull-apart fan rolls 

Also : 

          Roast Oriental Chickenwallet-friendly, exotic, for the adventurous 

Special Occasion Chicken: unbelievable flavour & crispiness
Armagnac Partridges with Appleboozy, fruity and fanciable

       Peking Duck for Pancakes: lower-fat, guilt-free, easy, wallet-friendly 

Duck & Pineapple Exotic Salad: tantalisingly gorgeous, made easier with a take-away duck (Chinese restaurants are often open during the entire festive season)

Mongolian Hotpot: absolutely not for heavy drinkers 


Brisket, Melt-in-the-Mouth with rich tomato saucebudget friendly, low-fat, slow cooker

Beef & Black Beer Stew : one of 67goingon50's signature dishes; easy-peasy Skinnier indulgence, frugal 

Korean-style Spicy Seared Beefspicy, sweet & tender; works with frugal & expensive cuts of beef

Peruvian marinaded Beef Steak: knock-out wallet-friendly; guys' favourite 

Luxury Steak, Potato & Onion Pie: wholly indulgent guys' favourite, tender beef with potatoes in plenty of gravy, with alcohol


Irish Stewambrosial peasant food, frugal 

Luscious Lamb & Red Wine Stew: slow cooker, wallet friendly

Lamb Shoulder with Savoury Gravy & Mint Saucegorgeous lower-fat roast for small households

Lamb Mongolian Style: fabulously low-fat; 2-ways; Slow Cooker  


       Exquisite Barbecued Porknearly fat free;  lower-sugar & salt, easy-peasy

Spiced Spare Ribs: almost no sugar, low-fat

Asian Pork Bao: low-sugar, salt & fat; budget-friendly; Chicken/vegetarian options


Oriental Salmon: sugar-free, sassily simple, prepare-ahead, healthy; moist, succulent and subtly flavoured

Salmon Nicoise Salad, as beautiful as it is tasty

Scallop & White Bean Potage: unusual but gorgeous pairing, wallet-friendly, soothes after over-indulgence 

Sweet Chilli & Ginger Salmon: lower sugar, Healthy, budget-friendly


Avocado Pilaff (Warm): sublime vegan main, low salt/cholesterol

Coulibiac Pie, Vegetarianone of the most popular dishes ever, make ahead

Moussaka, Marvellously Meatless: sensational low-fat casserole; takes a bit of time but much is prepped ahead.  And it's so worth it!

Sensational Spinach Rouladespecial occasion; lower-fat pillowy green roulade layered with cream cheese and taramasalata; vegan opt.

 Vegan Wholemeal Pasta with Mushrooms, Peas & Chive Oil: Option for no-common-wheat: delicious & multi-textured with layers of gorgeous flavour; nutty & surprisingly filling. 

Spiced Lentil & Vegetable PotageTriple Duty, for when your tummy needs a rest from all the rich festive flavours 

DISCLAIMER: The author accepts no liability for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided.  Any information not sourced to a second party is the copyright of the blogger.