Tuesday, 21 February 2023

PENSIONERS'/TWOSOMES' MAKE-IT-YOURSELF GIANT FISH FINGERS: easy, quick, wallet-friendly, low salt & preservatives

Everyone loves fish fingers, and they're even better and cheaper home-made...
first posted 1/23; updated 12/24
Easy-peasy fish fingers using unprocessed white fish & crisp cornflake coating
deliciously crispy; the fish was beautifully cooked' Taster

Coley is one of those fishes that is prized by the budget-conscious shopper. 

A member of the cod and haddock family with a similar nutrirtional profile, coley is less popular and much lower in price.   

Treated well, it tastes great.     

Coley is not necessarily frugal to buy, however., coming in packets of 6 portions.   A 552gm/19.5oz packet of 6 frozen coley portions is over £6, and although that's just a pound a portion, it could take a big chunk out of your protein budget.   Fresh filets are over £5 for a 400g/14oz packet. (Feb/23).  (A fish monger may provide lower prices for individual filets.)

67 likes coley portions for giant fish fingers; they're just the right size and easy to deal with - no fuss, no bother; the only thing you need is a very sharp knife.  

If you're using fresh white fish filets which are not at least a generous 1/2 inch/1cm+ thich, try layering them in a loaf pan and freezing them before slicing and battering (67 has not tested this method but the egg & crumb mix should hole the filets together.  OR you could make fish gougons instead of fish fingers.)

Giant fish fingers are great for using up end-of-the-packet cornflakes, polenta or breadcrumbs   

Cost: £2.50'ish (!2/24)
Makes: 4 large fingers; recipe multiplies easily

2 defrosted Waitrose coley portions 
1/3 cup flour, well-seasoned with salt & pepper
1 egg beaten (or equiv milk or yoghurt)
1/2 cup crushed cornflakes (or polenta or fresh/purchased breadcrumbs)
Optional: lemon zest, parsley, chilli flakes
3-4 tbsp oil (sunflower or olive or a mixture)


AIR FRYER KALE: quick and easy, diabetes/weight friendly

A great way to get greenery into kids...or adults.
Crispy Kale: A terrific way to add to your 5-a-day
'Crispy, more-ish and delicious!' Taster

Kale has never been very high on the list of favoured 67 veg after an experience washing vats of it three times to remove dirt, and then ripping the leaves from countless stalks.  

To eat, the taste and texture was fine but the prep was completely off-putting. 

Kale now comes in nicely cleaned and only needs rinsing.  It was time to have another go, despite its not extravagant but definitely not frugal price.

Kale is like a heartier spinach, with a stronger, earthier taste.  It's considered a, nutritional superstar, containing Vitamins, A, K B6 & C, calcium, potassium,copper and maganese. 

A cup has just 33 calories and only 7 grams of carb, so its diabetes/weight friendly.  

67 has used it to replace spinach in soups and stir-fries, where it works quite well.

But the most appealling way of cooking kale has got to be air frying.  The leaves go all crispy and crunchy, reminding one of the fried 'seaweed' in Chinese restaurants of old.  

If you've never tried kale, maybe it's time to give it a go. 

Cost: £1'ish (6/23)
Feeds: 2-3; recipe multiplies easily 

1/2 bunch kale - about 3 cups or 8-10 oz
1/2 tbsp oil oil 7.5 ml
1/8 tsp salt 



 Lentil Soup from 2016 that always has them coming back for more...

Not just a load of ol' hippy lentils -- fabulously delicious comfort food for all! 

Everything seems to be rising in price at supermarkets and greengrocers, and not just a little every now and again but by huge leaps and bounds.

Many people have been forced to look to hearty soups with pulses and root vegetsbles supplemented with proteins of choice for meals.  It's a sensiblemove.

Lentil soups have been a staple of the 67 diet for ages -- wonderfully waming and soothing.  

Lentil soups do have a reputation for being dull and hippy'ish.  But this recipe  (and 67's other lentil soups) alters that image forever; it's colourful and full of exciting flavours.  But it still remains within most budgets.  

For carnivores, it contains small amounts of beef but is equally good with shredded ham hock

Or you can forgo animal protein altogether and serve it with cheese and walnut soda bread,  unforgettable flaky cheese biscuits or sliced vegetarian/vegan sausages.   

The spinach adds a lovely hit of colour, texture and flavour.

Cost: min £3.25 (Feb'23) but rises and falls depending on protein 
Serves: 6-8 (recipe halves easily)

   2 med onions, in med dice
   2  large sticks celery, peeled & in med dice
   2 carrots, med dice
   1 large potato, in med dice (no need to peel)  
   olive oil
   1 cup red lentils, 
   1-2 tsp veg granules (opt)
   1 fresh red chilli, top & tailed & with seeds removed, in tiny dice OR 1/4-1/3 tsp chilli flakes (opt)
   1 bay leaf
   2 pints good stock or water
   pepper & salt
   1 tbsp finely chopped parsley

    couple of handfuls washed spinach, stems removed

   150 gms 90% fat-free beef mince, in rough teaspoons-full, pre-poached in boiling water 5 mins; OR 150 gms cooked shredded ham hock OR 150 gms vegetarian frankfurters (67 likes Tivali) in med chunks


Tuesday, 14 February 2023

SEAFOOD PANCAKE, KOREAN STYLE: wallet-friendly, quick'n easy, low-salt, vegetarian option, higher fibre, vegetarian option

With food budgets so tight, Savoury pancakes & waffles look like becoming a trend... 
Seafood & Scallion Pancake, Korean style

Pancakes and waffles are, after all, thrifty, filling, quick, easy and delicious.  And  they stand in for a variety of meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

This Korean-Style Seafood Pancake, adapted from maangchi*, is more special than most but is not overly extravagant, especially while M&S seafood is on a 3-fer-£12 offer.  It's especially suitable for pensioners/couples looking for a celebration meal.

If youve had a meal in a Korean restaurant, you'll know how popular Korean pancakes are.  This one is both soft and crispy and delightfully savoury, without spice or garlic.  Usually served with hot'ish sauce, the pancakes also go well with 67's own make-ahead (milder) Sweet Chilli Sauce or if time is short, oyster or hoisin sauce.  

The spring onions don't overwhelm; they soften and mellow after cooking.

The pancake is wonderful at any time of day.  On its own, it's a protein packed low-carb delight but served with rice or Asian soup noodles, it's even better.  

Cost: £4.00'ish (2023)
Feeds: 2, multiplies easily

100gm/3.5oz all purpose flour
1 tablespoon cornflower
       1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 
3/4 cup very cold fizzy water

3 tablespoons vegetable oil

5 green onions, top & tailed, in 3 inch chunks
small handful thin green beans, topped & tailed

150gm/4-5oz ready-cooked prawns, calamari & mussels (or choice of vegetables in fine matchsticks)
salt & pepper
one large egg, beaten 

thinly sliced red pepper, opt



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for more this week's surpermarket bargains and food news

1st posted 2/2023

Check out the newest recipe: Seafood Pancake, Korean Style which joins two other recent savoury treats in this roster of favourites:

Waffles stuffed with ham & veg:
great with soups & stews; wallet-friendly,healthy

Lentil Pancake Stacks, unexpected delight;
serve with spinach, avo & poached eggs

Blasts from the past:

Sweetcorn & Ham Pancakesperfect for the lunchbox, low-fat/sugar & yeast-free, easy, make-ahead

 Vegetarian treat will thrill a special someone on a special occasion

Vegan Spelt, Polenta & Sweetcorn pancakes replace toast in a classic English breakfast or make great soup dippers; the beautifully textured pancakes are also a brunch conversation stopper spread with avocado and a poached egg 

Sprout Latkes/Pancakes: really, really tasty budget Vegetarian vegetarian fare 


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These recipes  have been developed or adapted by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  They may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.


Courtesy of Pinterest and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Shrove Tuesday 2024 - Pancake Day - is on 13  February. 

first posted 2023

The Basic 67 recipe for pancakes is the delicious fat-free, no/low sugar Scotch Pancakes, here. They have a wonderful texture:
 sturdy yet fluffy.  And they are so  versatile: sweet or savoury, hot or cold. 

Use the same recipe for Blueberry pancakes which are made the night before; blueberries are stirred in the next day, just before cooking. (If your kids like the idea of purple 'unicorn' pancakes, toss in the blueberries, stir and refrigerate overnight; the blueberry juices give a lovely hue and make a great backdrop for sprinkles etc).  

Chocolate Flower Pancakes make a great family brunch.  Kids love them, not just because they're pretty and tasty but also because they can be involved in making them.

Fluffy American Buttermilk Pancakes: high-rising, thick, fluffy, mouth-watering ultra-rich; a what's-not-to-love indulgence.  Americans are so good at this kind of thing! 

Skinnier Crepes a l'orange have all the flavour and yumminess of the classic dessert without all the sugar and fat.  Ace.


Healthier Waffles with Strawberries'n Cream: 
Low sugar & fat, with wheat-free and high-fibre options

Waffles with Strawberries'n Cream: 
Low sugar & fat, with wheat-free and high-fibre options

Banana Nut Waffles

'...adds a gorgeous creamy texture, smells delightfully of banana


And an 
Blueberry Spelt Waffles 
'needs an extra minute or two for optimum crispness but were soft & lovely inside'


Caramel Apple Sauce: at least it has fresh fruit in it!!

Maple syrup, honey, chocolate sauce sprinkled with nuts or - for the health-conscious - lower sugar fruit compote or jam.  

Uber-indulgent toppings include two easy sweet spreads Lemon Curd or Almost Guilt-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Spread.  

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These recipes  have been developed or adapted by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  They may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission. 

Saturday, 11 February 2023


OK, on Valentine's Day  not everyone can afford a luxurious treat...but here are a few wallet-friendly friperies that will make the heart beat faster...


Appealing simple biscuits iced with pink; easy-peasy, frugal, egg-free

Half the price of store-bought, and low sugar & preservatives but twice the delight.  Very easy, make ahead; alcohol optional.  Fancy something different? Try Chilli Truffles - recipe included. 

Fabulously sticky & chewy; crispy-soft with layers of chocolate flavours.  Ambrosial hot but also good at room temps

Grannies make the best cakes - not too extravagant but utterly scrumptious, moist and kid-friendly, makes enough for a crowd, lasts a good week - if you're lucky! 
Go frugal with buttercream, not the recommended icing.  Vegetarian batter.

Please leave a Comment in the box below 

These recipe, except where stated, have been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023

LUXURY PISTACHIO VALENTINE'S DAY CHEESECAKE: make-ahead, no bake, dairy-free option, lower sugar; slightly lower fat, easy, make ahead, incl Budget version

Don't forget to have a look at Welcome to the Blog 
for food news (on nav bar above)

67 never considered Pistachio and Cheesecake a natural pairing but the now retired deli, Chamomile* used to offer a completely irresistable one.
67goingon50's Luxury Pistachio Cheesecake
(the photo doesn't reflect the green of the original)

Pistachios have suddenly become a 'culinary thing'.  Not long ago, a jar of pistachio paste (smooth or crunchy) was hard to find, available only in big jars and with luxury prices.  

In 2025, that's changed; you see 150gm/5oz jars in many places -- health food shops, high-end supermarkets; there's even a kosher version - and all at non-exhorbitant but not frugal prices.

Which is wonderful because this creamy pistachio cheesecake also knock-out, a kind of out-of-this-world delight that tantalizes the taste buds.

It also looks beautiful; a pale richly creamy fillling, studded with bright green nuts, slathered over a generous crumb crust.  

If you want something outstanding for a special occasion that doesn't take a lot of effort,  this cheesecake is it.  It's also lower in fat and a little healthier than most Cheesecakes. but so rich,  small portions are recommended.

The crust and the filling are pretty simple and, made hours before needed, reduces stress ahead of the event.  

Luxury Pistachio Cheesecake is not, sadly, for the financially stressed but more budget-friendly versions with chocolate-hazelnut spread (home-made low-sugar/preservative OR store-bought) are in Tips, below. 

Cost: about £6-7'ish (7/23)
Makes:  8/12 portions


13-15 digestive biscuits, bashed with a rolling pin in a heavy plastic bag, or whizzed in a food processor until crumbly but not fine 
90 g unsalted dairy or plant butter, melted

300g/10.5oz full fat cream cheese or vegan cream cheese at room temperature 

1 tsp vanilla
2-4 tbsp icing sugar (to taste: 67 used 3)
200ml thick Greek yoghurt, dairy or plant (instructions for thickening plant yoghurt are herebottom of page)

470ml dairy or plant double cream

100g-175g/3.5-6.1oz crunchy pistachio butter, depending on taste (see alternatives, Tips)

handful toasted pistachios, chopped med fine



Many people have not been able to get through to the right Apple Books page to purchase FABULOUSLY FRUGAL from 67GOINGON50.  This link and QR code have been checked and are correct.



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Links/QRs below


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PENSIONER'S/2-SOME'S DELIGHT: LENTIL BRUNCH PANCAKES: high-protein & fibre, dairy-free, option thrifty, easy

Lentil and pancake are not words you'd expect to find together in a recipe...
Surprisingly delicious and filling Lentil Pancake Brunch
'I approached this with trepidation but it was really lovely;
the pancakes had a very appealling taste & texture.' Taster

But rice pancakes (The Pioneer Woman),  Corn Polenta pancakes (Ella)  and Indian dosas made from fermented rice have all entered the pancake lexicon in recent years.  So lentil pancakes are not so far-fetched after all.

As we navigate our way through the Cost of Living Crisis, the media is full of thrifty recipes.  Some of them are not terribly appealing in terms of ingredients or flavour.  

This one* however was much better than expected.  The texture was really good - nutty and slightly crunchy - and the taste was very, very good.  The dish will likely tempt even the most recalcitrant carnivore.

Lentils are well-known as a cheap source of protein, bulking out soups and stews.  They: 
- are frugal and easy on a budget
- contain 25% of fat-free protein 
- are high in good fibre - great for the gut and for blood sugar
- leave you fuller for longer
- wind-causing elements can be reduced simply by soaking overnight 

Cost: £2.50'ish, depending on what's in the cupboard (2025)
Makes: enough for 2; recipe doubles easily

75 g red lentils, soaked overnight and drained
1/2 tablespoon plain flour
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder,
33 g dairy or plant plain yoghurt
75 ml water

1 spring onion, finely chopped

1 tablespoon oil

100g fresh, or two blocks frozen, spinach
2 raw eggs (67 used Burford Browns, which are more expensive than most but good ol M&S 6 mixed sizes at about a pound are also good)
avocado (optional)
sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds & salt (opt)

Toppings: fresh or steamed spinach leaves, sliced avocado with mixed sunflower, pumpkin & sesame seeds and poached egg OR fresh or steamed spinach with poached egg
