Tuesday, 25 December 2018


Few households will starve after Christmas Day
(Courtesy of Pinterest  and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence) 

If your household is like most, there will be a mountain of food left over from Christmas Dinner.  

In fact, in some households, the Special Feast is planned that way.  Certainly, there must be no or little cooking on Boxing Day, though warming up dishes is ok.

We've all got our favourites recipes for turkey but what about other ingredients which often get thrown out because no one can think what to do with them?

Here are a few tips, ideas and recipes. 

    The obvious...but also flavouring coffees, icings (for adults), cheesecakes (for adults), homemade truffles

  • Fresh Breadcrumbs: process coarsely; freezable
  • Canapes: grate cheese ends; mix with a little cream and a touch of smoked paprika; pile onto toasted baguette slices & grill till melted OR spread over half a rolled out puff or shortcrust pastry, sprinkle with spice of choice,  top with the rest of the pasty and press down with a rolling pin, cut into strips and twist into cheese straws; bake at a moderate temperature until golden brown, about 10-15 min.  OR instead of adding spice, layer with leftover salami or sausage, cover with rest of pastry, crimp edges, brush with egg; bake and cut s into squares
  • Hard cheeses can be frozen but wrap them first in grease-proof paper and then in cling film  

Double Cream

  • beat to a soft peak with vanilla and a bit of icing sugar for a superior topping for Irish Coffee & thick hot chocolate
  • transforms into butter when beaten continuously with electric beaters until the cream mix splits into butter and whey; discard whey


Raw Egg Whites (fresh or pre-frozen and defrosted):
Raw Egg Yolks (can be frozen):
     Easier Fruit Curds: lemon or orange or a combination of citrus fruits

Hard Boiled:

Mixed Fresh Fruit
  • Fruit salads: replace sugar syrup with unsweetened fruit juice, fresh or from a carton; flavour with mint or ginger syrup or alcohol; top up with tinned fruit if necessary
  • Trifles (See Recipes 1: Baking)
  • Crumbles (as above)
  • Incorporate into waffles or pancakes
  • Baked with fruit juice & flavouring of choice; process to a sauce; strain if necessary; pour over ice cream
  • shred and use as an accent in soups, salads or pasta
  • breakfast croissants: stuff with ham & cheese; toast till cheese is melted OR stuff with ham, scrambled egg and chopped parsley
  • Sprinkle juice & zest over lightly steamed or boiled veg & scatter over toasted sunflower seeds
  • Lemon curd for spreading on toast or mixing with yoghurt OR added to  whipped cream in Luscious Lemon Pudding
  • Sliced turkey in hot yorkshire puddings with cranberry sauce & gravy
  • An accent in soups, stir fries, noodles
  • Don't forget: turkey carcass makes fabulous stock.  Toss in a slow cooker with a couple of onions, carrots & sticks of celery, some peppercorns & a bay leaf.  Cook on low overnight or for 8 hours.  Strain, throw out veg but strip meat from the bones.  Refrigerate overnight; remove fat
  • Cooked: frittatas and quiches; also vegetarian sandwiches

Also: Making a Meal of a Few Ingredients

Don't forget your favourite homeless person:
Freeze some:
  • sandwiches/rolls with nice fillings
  • robust treats/desserts
And when the shops re-open, add a handful of fresh fruit, bag up and leave with a cup of hot coffee.

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This information has been compiled by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises using recipes and tips from 67goingon50.  It may not be reproduced without the author's written permission. 

Friday, 21 December 2018

GROWN-UP GINGERBREAD COOKIES, lower fat & carb, easy, make-ahead

Adult-friendly gingerbread cookies with more than a hint of sophistication...
Grown-up Gingerbread Cookies
'The ginger flavour goes to every corner of my mouth.''T
he proportion of sweet to spicy is just right.' Tasters

These lovely Christmassy biscuits*  are a delight for adults looking for something more cosmopolitan than the usual sweet gingerbread.

They are in the mould of 67's intensely spicy (in a good way) American Ginger Cookies, posted in 2016 and perennially popular with guys - sorry to be gender-ist! - who normally aren't keen on biscuits.

These cookies are more Swedish in style, and are rolled out to a dough rather than formed in balls.  But they are just as complex in flavour, sensationally delicious and appealing.  And they are ever so easy to put together. 

The men in your household will adore you when presented with a plate of these.

The amount of sugar in the biscuit dough was reduced to take into account the icing; to get the best of the flavour and texture, they really need a sweet top.  If you prefer lower sugar, replace the icing with (more expensive) melted bakers' white chocolate.

67 reduced cholesterol by replacing some butter with sunflower oil.   As an experiment, half the cookies were rolled to about 1/4inch/1/2cm (the thickness of a £1 coin) while the other half were rolled to abut 3/10in/3/4cm thickness. See comments below for the result.

Cost:  £2.50
Makes: 3-4 dozen


120gm/2.1oz unsalted butter
3 x 15ml tablespoons sunflower oil
60gm/6.3oz soft brown sugar  
76ml/2 1/2 fluid oz treacle/molasses

65gm/2.3oz finely diced firm pear
handful chopped fresh, or dried & reconstituted, cranberries

min 250-max 275gm/min 8.8-max 9.7oz wholemeal spelt flour
100gm/3.5oz plain spelt flour  
1 tbsp ground cinnamon
2 tbsp fresh peeled ginger, grated or 1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp cardomom 
1/4 tsp cloves 
1/4 tsp 5-spice powder or allspice 
pinch of salt

  2/3 cup sifted icing sugar
  1 tbsp milk or water

  Garnish: 5-6 pieces candied ginger finely diced 

  1. Line 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper or silicone mat
  2. If pears are ripe & wet, spread them out on a paper towel to reduce dampness 
  3. Melt butter with treacle and sugar; stir until blended; take off heat
  4. Stir in pears & cranberries
  5. Add minimum amount of flour, spices & salt; if more flour is needed, add some of the extra until the mix comes together to form a soft dough
  6. Wrap in cling film; refrigerate for a couple of hours or freeze.
  7. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 180c/160fan/350f/gas 4
  8. Roll out half the dough between 2 sheets greaseproof paper to 1/4inch/1/2cm - the thickness of a pound coin
  9. Roll the other half to 3/10in/3/4cm thick
  10. Cut out shapes; use a fish slice to transport from the cutting board to the cookie sheet
  11. Bake 10-12 mins; check at the half-way point -- if one side of the pan is browning faster than the other, turn the pan
  12. Re-roll & cut leftover dough 
  1. Mix icing sugar & liquid until it forms a thick-ish but pourable icing.
  2. Pour into a sealable sandwich bag and push the icing toward one of the corners.
  3. Cut a tiny bit off the corner of the bag and pipe the icing around the edges, if outlining the biscuits 
  4. Cut a little more off the corner for filling in the edges or creating decorative flourishes
  5. Scatter over bits of candied ginger
  • 'That is good gingerbread!  The ginger flavour goes to every corner of my mouth.  Love the thin ones; they're so crispy.'   Political Agent
  • 'Gingerbread should not be sweet; in these, the proportion of sweet to spicy is just right.  The icing sugar with candied ginger is a good combination. I like the thick ones; they're nice and crumbly.' Dedicated cookie-muncher & Campaign Manager

*inspired by Rachel Khoo

                                                                     More on NavBar: Recipes 1/Cookies

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This recipe has  been adapted by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  It may not be reproduced without the author's written permission. 

Tuesday, 18 December 2018


Glorious hot brownie chocolatella pudding...
updated Dec 2018
'Fabulous! Sticky and chewy; great crispy-soft texture with layers of different chocolate flavours.' Tasters 
A lovely chocolatey dessert is worth its weight in gold, whatever the time of year.  This one is unbelievably good and incorporates the home-made Lower Sugar 'Nutella'.

And, unfortunately, not very healthy.    

But it's and indulgence and perfect for a special occasion.  There's enough leftover for freezing. Or, should you wish to avoid temptation, halve the recipe.   

The batter can be prepared the night before. 

Though the pudding is best served hot it is also great at room temperature.

Cost: £4.00'ish (2023)

Serves: 6


   4oz/100g dark chocolate at least 75% cocoa solids
   4oz/100g unsalted butter

   1/2 tbsp instant coffee

   2 med eggs at room temperature

   6oz/200g sugar

   2oz/50g self raising white flour (67 used spelt; wheat is fine)

   1oz/25g wholemeal flour

   1/2 tsp vanilla

  Chocolate-Hazelnut Spread at room temperature

  Garnish: melted plain dark chocolate


  1. Preheat oven to 400f/200c/180fan/gas6
  2. Line a 9in/ cm pie plate or equiv. with greaseproof paper
  3. Melt chocolate & butter in heatproof bowl over but not touching simmering water; when melted, stir in coffee, cool 
  4. Beat eggs & sugar until thick, foamy & light coloured; it' ll take a few mins
  5. Add vanilla; stir
  6. Add 1/3 cooled chocolate mix to eggs; beat just until blended
  7. Add half the flour; beat just till blended
  8. Add 1/3 chocolate; beat
  9. Add rest of flour; beat 
  10. Add rest of chocolate; beat just till all is evenly distributed
  11. Pour into pie dish; drop spoonfuls of chocolate hazelnut spread over the surface, leaving space between each spoonful; drag a toothpick through to create swirls
  12. Bake 25 mins; rest on a cooling rack 10 mins
  13. Carefully remove greaseproof paper from pie & place on serving dish
  14. Drizzle with melted chocolate
  15. If cooking the next day, cover the batter with cling film, pressing it down so there are no air pockets; refrigerate; allow to come to room temperature before cooking, at least half an hour.   Follow steps 11-14

"Fabulous! Sticky and chewy; tastes of everything a chocolate pudding should be.' 'Great crispy-soft textures with layers of different flavours of chocolate.' Local political volunteers.'[ Tasters
'Nice and chewy, not too sweet or dry.  If they could make cookies like this, I would be in heaven.  I ended up with an entire pudding and it was so good, I ate it in one day.  Loved the chocolate-hazelnut aspect.' Middle aged political agent.
'It's great -- sweeter than most of your stuff but not too sweet.' 20+ designer & fund raiser
'Oh. My. Goodness!  A chocoholic's dream. Gimme, gimme, gimme.' Female  journalist.

                                                                        More Indulgences on Nav Bar: Recipes II/Desserts

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This recipe has been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  It may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

CHRISTMAS SWIRL FREEZER COOKIES, seasonal kid/ult indulgence

So pretty they could stand in for baubles on a tree...
A hint of peppermint, a pretty swirl, sparkly bits - kid/ults will love these
'If they came in a packet, I would eat the entire lot in one go'.'Very delicious. Great texture; not dry or hard.'

Crumbly and crunchy, breaking easily for dunking, this is another of the very handy American-style freezer cookies which sit nicely frozen until you're ready to bake them in the quantities required.  

The dough is made in advance, popped into the freezer, then sliced and decorated when needed.  And, yes, the swirly bit takes a teensy bit more work than a standard freezer cookie but the dough itself is so easy-peasy, older kids could handle it.  

And it is Christmas.  And the kids will love them -- both rolling the biscuits in icing and coloured bits.  And the eating of them!

The blog is not a fan of artificial food colouring but, thankfully, Waitrose sells several basic colours without 'E' numbers.  However, the colour is not as intense; 67's dough needed a good 2 teaspoons of W/R red colouring before it took on a pink colour; even then the finished product didn't show pink at all...

Cost: £4 without decorative flourishes
Makes: 40-50 (2 good-size freezer rolls)

Ingreds: make this dough twice, one plain; one pink (see batches below)

   75gm/2.6oz unsalted butter that's not too cold or too warm; in cubes

   150gm/5.2oz white common flour  
     75gm/2.6oz granulated sugar
     pinch salt

     flavouring - see Batches below

     1 med egg
     1 well-cooked cooked egg yolk (left in boiled water at least 10 mins)

     Batch 1: 1/2 tsp vanilla
     Batch 2: 1/2 tsp essence of peppermint 
                  2-2.5 tsp red food colouring (or until dough takes on pink colour)

   1/4 cup powdered sugar
   1 tbsp cherry brandy (adults) or water or milk plus 1/2 tsp water

   coloured sugar or other decorative bits: stars, coloured balls, hundreds & thousands (opt)*

  1. Mix flour, sugar & salt
  2. Add butter; process or rub between fingers until mix is the size of peas 
  3. Add egg, flavouring & well mashed egg yolk; work in with processor or hand mixer until well combined and coming together
  4. Wrap in cling film; refrigerate 30 mins
  5. Repeat with second batch of dough, colouring it pink 
  6. When ready, turn white dough out onto lightly floured large piece of cling film; cover with similar sized cling film
  7. Roll out to a thickness of 1/3inch/3mm to an 11x8inch/28x20cm rectangle  - this is your base; set aside
  8. Repeat with pink dough; cut away 1/4inch on all four edges; centre pink layer on top of white 
  9. Roll up tightly along the long edge; wrap in cling film, twisting the ends to help the cookies take on a circular shape OR shape into a square or triangle & wrap in cling film
  10. Bake within 3 days or freeze until ready to use
  11. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 200c/180fan/375f
  12. Cut in 1/4 inch/1cm slices using a sharp serrated knife (the dough can be sliced from frozen)
  13. Place on baking sheet lined with greaseproof paper or a silicone mat, leaving just a bit of space in between
  14. Bake 10 mins, turning tray from back to front if one side browns quicker than the other
  15. Cool on a baking rack
When completely cold:
  1. Mix icing 
  2. Sprinkle coloured sugar on flat plate
  3. Take each cookie; roll the edges only in the icing, then in coloured sugar
  4. Place on cooling rack until icing has set
*Waitrose, M&S, Morrisons
  • 'If these came in a packet, I would eat the entire lot in one go.  Good and crunchy, and cute to look at as well.  I like the sparkly things.' Political Agent
  • 'Very delicious.  Really good nice sweet biscuit with the sparkly bits adding a contrasting flavour.  Great texture; not dry and hard; breaks easily.Campaign manager.

  • 67 used white common wheat flour & granulated sugar to keep the colours 'clean' but anyone concerned about sugar highs could substitute 75% white flour and 25% wholemeal and use light brown sugar.  The cookies  would also work with spelt flour.
  • sadly neither of my guinea pigs could taste the peppermint but the un-iced ones at home had a noticeable peppermint flavour
  • small households could make just one batch and divide it into two.
More on NavBar: Recipes I/Cookies

                              Please leave a Comment in the box below 

This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission. 


Incl: Special Occasion, 'Bars', Dieters' Delights, Easy, Vegetarian/Vegan, Ices 

Some of the most spectacular 67goingon50 sweets from the year received rapturous receptions but even the common-all-garden goodies were welcomed  with delight.  The blog hopes you will enjoy them, too in the coming weeks.

Special Occasion/Crowd Pleasers

Blackberry Whiskey 
Ginger Cheesecake: 
sophisticated, with kid's version

Luxury Chocolate-Ginger Banana Bread: with low-fat ginger cream; unexpectedly mind-blowing

Plum & Cinnamon Swirl Cake: as pretty as it is scrumptious; popular twist on an old favourite 

Lemon Cheesecake, reduced fatMagnificent American-Style baked cheesecake that's light, refreshing and satisfying. Happy tasters included the Secretary of State for Scotland(!). Others said: '...the consistency of a good French patisserie.' '...base is not soggy.' 'I love cheesecake; this one is really good.' 

Chocolate Nut Globs: Total indulgence; NOT healthy but rich, crunchy, decadent - chocolate, nuts and peanut butter buried in cookie dough.

Bars - surprise hit of the year

Cherry Almond Bakewell: Slightly skinnier (no pastry) & utterly sensational; snowy powdered sugar adds seasonal touches  

Pineapple Blueberry Coconut Bars the lovechild of a cookie & a cake, or an English crumble & an American biscuit. 'loved the texture, taste & flavour' Taster

Nectarine Streusel Crumble Bars: VEGAN crowd-pleaser from low-priced ripen-at-home nectarines; serve hot or packed in a firm-sided box for winter walks


Ginger Pear & Blueberry Crumble: sophisticated sensational fruit crumble with a twist; lower sugar & fat, option for no common wheat

Dieters' Delights

Rich Chocolate Mint BiscuitsProves delicious cookies need not be bad for you; lower-sugar, NO added fat, 10 mins prep. 'Biscuit version of mint matchsticks' Taster

White Chocolate & Berry Tart, no-bakelower fat but lovely & creamy with full-fat flavour; thrillingly easy


1 Recipe=2 Delicious Treats: Cinnamon Breakfast Twists & Blueberry Scones 
2-into-1 does go; double mouthwatering treats in one baking session 

Chocomint Custard 'Poke' Sponge: out-of-this world, so special it'll disappear in minutes; with the help of supermarket custard.  

Exquisite Emergency Almond Biscuits: delicious & delicate; gluten & dairy-free; unbelievably fast & easy, perfect for unexpected guests 

Spiced & Iced Chocolate Orange Caketender, fine crumbed, lightly spiced and scented with orange; butter-free, wallet-friendly; easy enough for kids to make it

Ice Cream

Strawberry Ripple Ice0-fat Yoghurt Ice Cream stridently - but beguilingly - rippled with low-sugar strawberry compote: sweet, refreshing but low-cal; dieters' delight


Cherry Garcia Cream Pie: sophisticated; no-bake; choc-a-block with chunks of cherry & dark chocolate; elevated with cherry brandy.  Popular.  Of course! 


Cherry Garcia Ice Cream: Vegan, easy-peasy; the nicest, tastiest, healthiest ice cream; no cream - just bananas...

'Irish Coffee' Chocolate Cake':

Orange Mini Cakes: kids love these fluffy cakes with a surprise filling

Vegetarian Coffee Walnut Cake, frugal but fabulous; make a day ahead

No-bake Granola Flapjacks: high energy & protein for winter walks

Blasts from the Past
Luscious Lemon Pudding exceedingly pretty and delicious lemony pudding; lower fat. Can be made in stages.  Versatile.  
Mint Choco-Mousse, low-sugar, no egg yolk; cream only if wanted
Tiramisu Pudding, No Bake nothing else to say but 'Wow!'
Triple Chocolate Truffle Brownies: Pure indulgence; not healthy at all; 3 types of chocolate. Serve in small portions. 
Mango Mint & Ginger Instant Sorbet, Vegan.  Emergency crowd pleasing dessert; no sugar, fat or preservatives

More on NavBar: Recipes II/Desserts  
& How to...Christmases past

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These recipes  have been developed or adapted by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  They may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.

Thursday, 13 December 2018

AMAZING ASIAN RICE STUFFING, Indulgence Double duty: options for Carnivores & Vegans

Memorable out-of-the-ordinary Sticky Rice Stuffing for the anti-bread brigade...
first posted 2019; updated 10/24
Sticky rice stuffing with celery, bamboo shoot, water chestnuts & Chinese 'shrooms 
'I deeply dislike bread stuffings but this was yummy!' Taster 
Updated 10.04.20 Photos 13.12.18

A version of this recipe has been in the Blogger's file for many years but despite repeated requests, kept secret (one reserves some recipes for family!).

However, so many people complain about bread stuffing - it's surprising how many really, really don't like it -  67goingon50 developed another version of the rice stuffing, this one suitable for carnivores or vegans.  

It does require a few steps and it's better to do much of the prep the day before but it is worth it.

Sticky rice - available in Chinatowns and Asian shops - isn't a given but produces a much better product.  It's as easy to cook as conventional rice though soaking and cooking time take longer.

If you can't be bothered visiting Chinatown or only have regular rice, add a smidgeon more water to the cooking pot. This is one occasion when individual grains of cooked rice are not called for.

The ingredients include Dried Chinese mushrooms, which are not cheap but they  impart a unique texture and wonderful smokiness to the rice.  You only need a few and the remainder will last a long time stored in an air tight container.  For the frugal, chestnut mushrooms can be substituted but stir 1/4 tsp 5-spice powder into the rice before baking.

The stuffing has been made successfully with sausages.  For a vegan option, replace meat with small cubes of smoked or marinated tofu.

Cost:  depends on what's already in your cupboard but max £6.00'ish (2024)
Makes: 6-8 people as a side


   1/2 cup glutinous or sushi rice, washed and drained (for the frugal, standard white or brown rice)

   6 dried Chinese mushrooms OR 3 dried mushrooms and 50-75gm quartered button or exotic mushrooms OR 100% chestnut or exotic

   1.5 tbsp peanut or light veg oil
   1 small onion or equiv white of spring onions finely diced (or the fodmap friendly green of spring onions, thinly sliced)
   1/3 cup back or turkey bacon, fat removed, in lardons, OR pork fillet OR pork mince OR chicken thigh or breast in bite-sized cubes. (Vegan: smoked or marinated firm tofu in bite-size cubes)
   liver, neck and gizzard of the bird ((opt))
   1/4 cup well washed, peeled celery in 1/2 inch cubes
   1/4 cup tinned water chestnuts, drained, cut in 1/2inch cubes (opt but substitute something crunchy or colourful like bell peppers) 
   1/4 cup tinned drained bamboo shoots, cut in thin matchsticks  

   1.5 -2 tsp reduced salt soy sauce
   2 tbsp sugar (opt - 67 doesn't bother)
   3 tbsp dry sherry OR white wine OR grape juice

   generous 1/4 tsp grated garlic (opt)
   scant 1/2 tsp 5 spice powder

   stock (pref) or water for rice
   mushroom juices (from re-constituting dried shiitake mushrooms)

   garnish: drizzle of oyster or hoisin sauce

  1. Place rice in a sieve over a bowl; wash thoroughly until the water runs clear;   soak a few hours or pref overnight
  2. In a small heat proof bowl, cover dried mushrooms with boiling water; leave 30 mins
  3. Drain tinned water chestnuts & bamboo shoots*; cut chestnuts in 1/4in/1/2cm cubes and bamboo shoots in thin matchsticks (see tips below).
  4. When mushrooms are soft, take them out of the soaking water, squeezing them over the bowl to catch the liquid; strain mushroom juice though a j-cloth, discarding sediment; set juices aside
  5. Remove stems of mushrooms; dice finely; chop flesh into cubes the same size as water chestnuts;
  6. Heat wok or a deepish skillet or pot over med-high heat; when hot, add oil, then toss in onions & bacon/pork/chicken or tofu; stir-fry 1 min
  7. Add soy sauce; after 15 secs add giblets (if using), celery, mushrooms, water chestnuts and bamboo shoots; raise heat to high
  8. Stir in sherry/wine/grape juice, garlic, 5-spice powder and sugar, if using; stir 2 mins; add rice 
  9. At this stage, the mixture can be cooled and refrigerated overnight
  10. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 180c; 160fan; 350F
  11. Mix mushroom juices with water/stock (and a dash of brandy or whiskey if liked) to make up the recommended amount of liquid (usually 1.5 - 2x  the amount of rice).  Add to rice; bring to the boil; remove any froth; take off heat
  12. Pour into a well-oiled ceramic dish, stir & level with a spatula; it will be soupy but will be bine after cooking the rice absorbing the liquid, protein & veg 
  13. Cover rice with a sheet of greaseproof paper; bake 30 min; remove paper; do not stir; bake a further 15 mins or until all liquid is absorbed and the top is lightly browned & crispy
  14. If using the bird's liver and neck, remove neck from rice, cool slightly, take out meat from the bones  and save for soup or sandwiches
'The stuffing is really good; the sticky rice works well and the mushrooms make it meaty.  I usually deeply dislike stuffing.'  Political Agent
'Delicious!  A real fresh look at something I have quite regularly.  And I liked all the ingredients and how they came together.' Campaign Manager

  • Replace glutinous rice with generous 1/2 cup regular rice, brown or white
  • The rice stuffing can be inserted into the rear cavity of a turkey - not the front - where it will absorb cooking juices.  But honestly, it's safer and easier baked in a casserole dish
  • The stuffing makes a satisfying stand-alone dish for a light supper; add any or all of: frozen peas, mange tout, green beans, baby corn and baby tomatoes in the last 5 mins of baking
  • leftover water chestnuts & bamboo shoots keep 2 days in the fridge; rinse and drain thoroughly for stir fried veg, fried rice, Triple Duty Glass Noodle Salad,  Asian Crystal Wraps, jaotze or dumplings

More rice dishes on NavBar/Recipes II:  Rice

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This recipe has been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  They may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.