Tuesday 4 June 2024

BROCCOLI, NEW POTATO & EGG SALAD: Vegetarian, easy-peasy

Freesh, colourful combo hits all the marks for a June potato salad...

Unexpected combo makes a terrific side

New potatoes are one of life's luxuries at the start of the season (ie now) and though more of a drain on a wallet, is - for a treat - worth it.

Those thin skins; the slightly waxy tender flesh; the smaller-than-normal size!  

What sets new potatoes apart from other potatoes is that they are harvested early in the season when the leaves are still green. This means new potatoes aren't completely mature; the sugar inside them hasn’t turned entirely to starch.  It makes the potatoes sweeter than normal and when cooked, boosts their creamy texture. 

New potato afficianados would say no other potato will do for some recipes and it's partially true...there is nothing like a new potato.  

That said, while 67 loves them, in this recipe during a cost of living crisis, any small waxy potato will be absolutely fine.

Cost:  £2.25, less for ordinary potatoes (June 24)
Feeds: 1-2 but recipe doubles easily


150gm-200gm (5.2-7oz) new (or small salad) potatoes halved
150'ish grams fresh or tenderstem broccoli (stems and florets)
1-2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled

Yoghurt-Mayo with lemon 
   3 tbsp strained 0-fat yoghurt
   1.5 tbsp mayonnaise
   3/4 tsp white wine vinegar or lemon juice
   3/4 tsp finely grated lemon zest 
   pepper & salt

  1. Bring a med pan of water to the boil, add potatoes, bring back to the boil; turn heat down to med, cook around 5-10 mins depending on size.  Undercook slightly; a skewer inserted into the potato should meet some resistance.  Drain & cool.
  2. If using a head of broccoli, break florets into large thumb size pieces; peel stems and slice thickly.  If using tenderstem broccoli, remove large woody stalks; try and make the brocolli pieces the same size.  
  3. Bring a pan of water to the boil, add florets & stems; cook 3-4 mins.  Prepare a bowl of cold or icy water.  Test broccoli for doneness by inserting a skewer into the stem; it should meet slight resisistance.  Drain; pour into cold or icy water; leave 5 mins; drain.
  4. Peel eggs, slice thicky; set aside
  5. Lightly mix potatoes and broccoli; season with salt and pepper;  spread on a platter; scatter over hard-boiled eggs.
  6. Mix Lemon Yoghurt Dressing; serve on the side.

Comments: 'I really loved this combination; new potatoes are a favourite and the addition of broccoli and eggs was creative and delicious!  I'll definitely have it again.'

  • Add crispy bacon or prosciutto for a salty tang
  • No lemons?  Use the ratio of yoghurt to mayo for a plain dressing OR add chives or other herbs 

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This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission 

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