Wednesday 17 July 2024

Pre-diabetic/Weight Loss: 16

What a difference a month makes!

In my last pre-election post, (no. 15, late July), I was looking forward to salads and smoothies and a limiting treats to once a week.  But the demands of the election trail intruded with unplanned (but enjoyable) restaurant meals, drinks, snacking etc etc.

So, in terms of healthy eating, the last month has been a washout. 

There were times an extra treat was allowed because, well, 'my body deserves it'.  Demands for more carbs and protein dominated because 'my body needs it'.  Eating on the run was - if not a disaster - certainly a discipline killer. 

Numerous life changes, however positive, also added a sense of disruption. 

Result? Weight gain, struggles with increased desire for sweets and a bout of 'flu!  

Also, a deranged digestive system which sent me back to Fodmaps eatng restrictions.

More in due course.

Copyright: This report is from B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission

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