Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Plum & Cinnamon are the main stars of this delightful tea-time indulgence ...
Glorious tea-time cake with multiple layers of flavour & texture
'Oh my...absolutely fantastic and I love the cinnamon!' Campaign Manager

Stumbling upon punnets of fat purple plums for £1 (2018) is an unexpected supermarket pleasure and not to be wasted. 

This delightful tender, dense Swirl Cake, streaked with plum & cinnamon and dusted with coconut was the result.

You've probably seen versions of this cake in supermarkets but this one is superior in flavour and freshness and, being much bigger, is excellent value.  It's also low in preservatives and the wrong sort of fats. 

67 chose cinnamon as the dominant spice but could easily have gone for cardamon or dried or candied ginger.  If you're in a rush, home-made plum compote can be replaced by any fruit jam but reduce sugar by choosing something sweetened mainly with fruit or juice.  

Cost: £2 (2018 prices)
Makes: 20cm/8inch cake - 12 wedges, or more portions if cut in parallel slices  


  110gm/4oz softened butter
   85gm/30oz sugar

   2 room temperature eggs

   175gm/6oz plain flour
   1 1/2 tsp baking powder
   pinch salt
   2-3 tbsp milk

   couple of tablespoons dried unsweetened coconut

 Plum Compote
    4 decent sized plums
    1 tbsp plant or dairy butter
    1 tbsp brown sugar
    1 tsp cinnamon
    juice & zest of a small orange


1. Plum Compote (can be made 2 days ahead)
  • if plums are not organic, soak in 9 parts water to one part white vinegar 20 mins; drain & rinse
  • remove stones and cut into med dice
  • melt fat in a frying pan over med-high heat 
  • add plums & sugar; stir, cook until beginning to soften
  • add cinnamon, orange zest & juice; cook a little longer until gently thickened 
  • taste; depending on the plums, more sugar may be needed
  • remove a generous third of the compote; set aside for later
2.  Cake
  • prepare 21cm/8inch pan: circular - butter & flour, line bottom with greaseproof paper ; square - line with greaseproof paper
  • preheat oven to 180c/350f/gas4
  • beat butter & sugar till pale & fluffy; it will take a few minutes
  • add eggs one by one, beating vigorously each time  
  • combine flour, baking powder & salt
  • on low, beat in 1/3 flour then beat in 1 tbsp milk; repeat until all flour is gone 
3.  Swirl pattern (kids can help with this)
  • scrape one third of batter into pan, levelling it out as best you can
  • dot teaspoons of plum compote - some more generous than others - over the top, leaving spaces in between
  • add another generous third of batter; dot with teaspoons of compote
  • spread remaining batter over; add a few spoons of compote; even out top with spatula 
  • take a skewer or thin sharp knife an swirl it gently through the batter 
  • Bake 50-55 mins or until cake is firm and well risen; cool 10-15  mins; place serving platter on top of tin and flip over.  Transfer to cooling rack. 

Blitz compote you have set aside until it's smooth; spread over the top of the cooled cake; scatter with coconut (if there's plenty of compote, the sides can be covered as well)

Serve in wedges or thick slices.

  • for more fibre and a hint of nuttiness, replace 50gms/1.7oz plain flour with wholemeal
  • if you prefer something easier, try Plum Streusel Cake
More on NavBar:Recipes I/Cakes

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This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  They may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.

SIMPLE HOISIN GLAZED WINGS, frugal, easy, kid-friendly

A Super easy wings recipe that's high in flavour but lower in fat...
The easiest, most satisfying wings ever 

Kids will love these; they're crispy, smokey, sweet and very more-ish.

It's another wallet-friendly recipe that's a doddle to put together.  Seldom has something so deliciously layered in flavours been so easy to make.

As always, buy the best chicken you can from a source you trust.

Save time and energy -- make double the recipe and put one lot aside for an away-day picnic.

    750gm/26oz chicken wings

    3-4 tbsp Hoisin sauce* 
    sesame seeds

   2 oranges, cut into 6 wedges

  1. Preheat oven to 180c/350f/gas5
  2. Arrange wings on a rack in a baking tray 
  3. Cook in the top of the oven 20 mins
  4. Remove from oven, paint with hoisin sauce, return to oven but in the centre this time
  5. Bake 15-20 mins, brushing twice more with sauce; on final brush, sprinkle generously with sesame seeds
  6. Arrange on serving platter and squeeze the juice from the orange wedges over the wings 
  • save energy by baking new potatoes that have been lightly oiled at the same time 
                                                                                                                                             *67 uses Lee Kum Yee

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For more wing recipes go to NavBar/Recipes 1: Chicken...

This recipe has been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.       


An easy one-tray dish plus wine makes a sophisticated adult dinner...
Adult supper: Chicken, Orange and Hoisin traybake 
'Sophisticated, lightly and beautifully exotic; really tasty' 
photo 28/2/18
When the kids have gone to bed and parents can relax, this mouth-watering distinctive tray-bake is a perfect treat.

Chunks of healthy veg complement meaty chicken pieces, bathed but not buried in an enticing lower-fat sauce.  

Thighs would be best for this dish but drums can also be added.  Buy the best you can afford from a source you trust.

The all-in-one dish, alongside a pretty plate of simple salad ingredients, will be a delight for cook as well as guests.  It will go a lot further served on a bed of noodles or rice with extra steamed vegetables. 

Cost: £4-5
Serves: 4-6

   750gm/26oz (6-8 pieces) chicken thighs or thighs & drums, skin removed


Cauliflower soup that ticks all the boxes: creamy, smooth and lovely, sensationally easy.  And it's Vegan!
Sensationally Easy Vegan Cauliflower Soup
'Really, really lovely!' Retired Writer

This recipe from The Blender Girl (for which many thanks) was a revelation.  It appeared on a Twitter cooking video, was tested in 67's kitchen and...really lived up to its 'mind-blowing' reputation. 

It's not just that the prep is utterly simple, it's that the soup is made from  cauliflower and little else.  It is just lovely to eat - deliciously smooth and with the essence of cauliflower-ness without being overwhelming.  

It's Vegan/non-dairy with all the healthy attributes that implies.  It's wallet-friendly.  Quick and easy.  If it's served at parties -- and there's enough of it from one recipe to do that -- everyone will want the recipe.   

67 didn't make any major changes but for those with small, not very well equipped kitchens, one alternative is suggested.  

If you haven't got a super high-powered blender (67 doesn't):
  • the smoothie maker is probably better than the bladed jug for processing
  • ground nuts are better than whole (or add another protein after blending)  

Cost:  min £2
Makes: 3 1/2 pints (recipe halves easily)

   1 large cauliflower in large florets, (leaves & core saved for stock)
   200gm/7oz thinly sliced leeks, white only (save green for stock)

   2 tbsp good olive oil
   2 tsp minced garlic
   1 tsp salt
   7 cups vegetable broth

   35gm/generous 1oz raw cashews or skinned almonds OR ground almonds

  1. If cauliflower and leeks are not organic, soak in 9 parts water to 1 part  white vinegar 20 mins; rinse and drain
  2. Heat olive oil over med-high heat in a heavy bottomed pan
  3. Toss in garlic; stir quickly - do not allow it to burn - and immediately add leeks & 1/4 tsp of the salt; cook 3 mins
  4. Add cauliflower & stock; bring to a boil, reduce heat to med, simmer 20-30 mins
  5. Take pot off heat; cool slightly; stir in nuts
  6. Taste for seasoning; add salt to taste 
  7. Process on high until soup is completely smooth
  • for the frugal, white onions can replace leeks
  • 67 added sliced mushrooms but it muddied the cauliflower flavour 

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For more vegetarian/vegan dishes NavBar/Recipes II  

Thursday, 22 March 2018

PINEAPPLE BERRY FRUIT SALAD, alcohol, budget conscious, low sugar

Simple hot fruit salad with an alcohol kick (opt) is heady & appealing

Fresh Pineapple & Cherry Fruit Salad with cherry brandy, topped with  & 0-fat yoghurt
'Wow!  Low-cal or not, I could eat lots of this.'  Retired writer
photo 14/2/18

This sensational wallet friendly dessert was inspired by a gift of cherry brandy.
Luxurious leftover cherries were teamed with fresh inexpensive pineapple and baked in orange juice, the brandy and cinnamon.

It was so simple and yet so fabulous, and it's low-carb & sugar.   

The recipe easily multiplies according to the number of guests.  It's also versatile.  The alcohol is optional; berries can replace cherries and the dish at room temperature makes a fine breakfast. 

Fresh pineapple obviously needs trimming (see below) but provides plenty of easily frozen leftovers.  The cherries in the photo were not stoned because the dish was for adults but if children and older people are at the table, removing the stones is recommended.   

Cost per person: under £1

Ingredients per person:   
   100-125gm fresh pineapple chunks 
Fresh Pineapple Berry Fruit Salad 
   generous handful cherries/berries   
   juice & zest of half an orange 
   extra water if needed
   1 tbsp cherry brandy/liqueur (opt)

   1/8 tsp dark muscovado (pref) or other sugar
   1/8 tsp dried cinnamon

Topping: strained 0-fat yoghurt (Icelandic or Greek)
             few drops vanilla

  1. Mix pineapples, cherries, orange zest & brandy  
  2. Pour into a ceramic or glass baking tray which holds the fruit in one layer
  3. Scatter with sugar & cinnamon 
  4. Add orange juice and just enough water to cover the fruit 
  5. Cover dish with a tight fitting lid or with foil
  6. Bake at 350F/180c/gas 4 for 30-45 mins or until cooked through
  7. Serve hot, warm or cold with vanilla-yoghurt
  • Paper clips make inexpensive cherry stoners: drop the paper clip in boiling water 5 mins, cool, open out the clip so you have two joined halves; poke one end into the cherry to dig out the stone
  • fresh pineapple is often found for under a pound; multi-punnets of fruit are usually on offer
  • if tinned pineapple is the only option, go for the ones in juice, not syrup; drain before using

Cut off Top and Bottom 
Use Sharp Knife to Slice away
 Peel in Manageable Sections 

Remove Eyes via
V-shaped incision
Halve and then quarter pineapple.
Cut away & discard tough inner core

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For more skinny healthier desserts, go to NavBar: Recipes II: Low/No sugar and Skinny

Copyright: This recipe has been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018


When dinner's gotta be fast and fabulous and 'don't hold the carbs!
 updated 1/25; originl 2018;
A carb-rich meal with slightly sweet sauce boosts energy in cold weather
'Seriously good; will please the entire family' Taster

Salmon and Chinese cabbage are low-fat and health giving, providing protein, omega-3, B-vitamins and several important antioxidants.

So it is sad that the cost of salmon , both fresh and frozen, has risen significantly  since this post was first posted in 2018.

But the recipe is so delicious and the prep so simple and uncomplicated, 67  includes it for cooks looking for something easy, special but not necessarily glamourous.  

Unusually for 67, the dish boasts carbs and sugar.  When the weather is as cold as it has been, the body needs energy.  You will be fine as long you return to disciplined eating when temperatures rise. 
Only one pot and a small bowl are needed; the meal will be ready in 15 mins.  The honey-garlic sauce is poured into the cooking pot just before serving, coating the salmon and soaking through the vegetables to the rice below. 

If garlic is not for you. replace with a whole star anise; strain the sauce before adding to the pot.  (Rinse star anise, dry & use another time.)

Carb concerns may tempt you to reduce the serving of rice.  67 urges you not to.  There is nothing better than a generous mound of soft rice smothered in Chinese leaves, moist salmon and heavenly  sauce.  

Cost: depends on salmon; frozen is best value (around £6 for 2) but probable cost is around £7.50 (1/25)
Feeds: 2


   1/2 cup white, easy cook rice (67 used M&S but also likes Waitrose)
   150gm/5oz Chinese leaves OR Swiss chard 
   2x 150-200gm/5-7oz salmon fillets, patted dry, lightly seasoned with salt & pepper
   2 slices of fresh ginger per fish fillet
   2 slices lemon per fish fillet
   2 med cloves garlic, grated (opt) or a whole anise (rinse, dry and used again)
   a 1-inch slice ginger, peeled & grated
   scant 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
   1 tsp reduced salt soy sauce
   2 tsp dry sherry
   1 tsp toasted sesame oil (opt)
   1/2 small chilli, ribs & membranes removed, very finely diced 
(opt but recommended) OR a pinch of chilli flakes 



An easier version of artisan beetroot hummus that's a cut above normal but using canned chickpeas
Beetroot & Chive Hummus that uses canned chickpeas
'Don't normally like hummus but this one was smooth and fresh;
 I'd try it again.' Taster

This easy to put together hummus* is terrific as an impressive crowd-pleaser and for a family meal.

And it doesn't involve peeling cooked chickpeas (like the admittedly exquisite Velvet Beetroot with Hummous)!

Beetroot & Chive Hummus is lovely, thick and scrumptious, with a blend of ingredients that makes it a cut above supermarket fare.  And it can be oil-free.

On its own, it's gorgeous with strong kid-appeal.  Serve with crudites, pita triangles (toasted or plain) or - as here - seeded soda bread

Cost: under £2
Makes: about a pint 

Thursday, 15 March 2018

IRISH COFFEE CHOCOLATE CAKE: butter & egg free, no dairy option; higher fibre, healthier, vegan

Special occasion cake for St Patrick's Day that tastes and feels like proper cake but is vegan...
first posted 2018; updated 3/25
'One of the best cakes you've made' 'Melt-in-the-mouth, spongy, cream v. silky' Tasters

Irish Coffee Cake is truly worthy of a St Patrick's Day knees-up. 

Dark, rich and gorgeously chocolate, the cake is fine-crumbed and hinting of whiskey.  The frothy topping can be served on the side or made into icing (as in photo).  It's very rich so portions can be kept small - it'll feed 16 happily.  

67's tasters delivered their verdicts on the dessert before being told that the cake was vegan.  They were stunned -- in a good way.  The cake* passed the 'carnivores love it' test with flying colours, as well as meeting the 67 criteria for budget-conscious and low-cholesterol.  

Butter and egg free, the cake is healthier than most.  67 replaced some plain flour with wholemeal and cut back on sugar, adding sweet ground almonds instead.    

Cost: £6.00 plus topping (2025) 
Makes: 12-16 slices 


   125g plain flour, organic if poss 
   100g wholemeal flour , organic if poss
   1½ teaspoons bicarbonate of soda
   ½ teaspoon fine sea salt
   1½ teaspoons instant espresso powder OR strong instant
   75g/2.6oz cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate)

   375ml hot water, from a recently boiled kettle
   1 tsp vanilla
   90ml sunflower/light vegetable oil
   1½ teaspoons vinegar 

   260gm/9.1oz soft dark brown sugar plus 
         40gm/1.4oz ground almonds
   (OR 300gm soft dark brown sugar)

  1-2 tbsp/30ml whisky (opt)

    150ml vegan cream (or dairy for vegetarians) whipped to med firm peaks
    1 tbsp whiskey
    3-4 tbsp icing sugar (opt)
    finely grated 70% dark chocolate

1 x  23cm/9in circular pan with removable sides 


Tuesday, 13 March 2018

IRISH STEW (ARCHIVE), Low-fat, budget-friendly, healthier

A classic family dish, with good reason...it's stonkingly delicious!
Low-cost lamb & lots of root veg equals an intensely savoury meal
'A great hearty winter meal, cooked to perfection.' Taster

This gorgeous intensely flavoured budget-friendly dish is quintessentially Irish.  

Neck of lamb, some bones and a few hours provides a wonderfully tasty, warming stew thick with meat, veg and exquisite broth.

Classic Irish stew requires time and good stock, preferably made from lamb bones. It takes at least 24 hours for best results.  And that would seem a lot of bother were it not for the cook's best friend, a slow cooker.  

Slow cookers make life easier and the stew richer, tastier and more satisfying. And more than worth the effort.  

The slow cooker can even simplify the cooking method though 67the 2-step method, for 67, wins hands down.

Traditional Irish stew is heavy on the potatoes; 67 replaced some of them with swede and celeriac but parsnips are good, too.

Three cooking methods are offered: if time and funds permit, option 2 is recommended. 

Cost: £4-6
Feeds: 6

SPINACH ROULADE, Vegetarian, special occasion, lower-fat

A favourite from the 67 family cookbook...
first published 2018; updated 3/25
Spinach Roulade with Cream Cheese & Taramasalata
'I could eat a lot of this; that's a good combo' 'blend of flavours is just right'

This special occasion recipe was popular at buffets and dinner parties, eliciting many ooh's and ah's.  It looks and tastes absolutely fabulous -- pillowy green roulade topped with cream cheese and a layer of savoury taramasalata.   

Though a favourite with ladies (not to be sex-ist), the roulade was also welcomed by guys, including die-hard carnivores.   

Fresh spinach is recommended; frozen spinach is cheaper but loses on flavour and texture.  (If pockets are deep enough, organic spinach elevates the roulade into the stratosphere for taste.)   

The roulade is not exactly 'skinny' but 67 used own-brand* 40% fat-reduced cream cheese to reduce fat and cut costs.  The method has also been simplified for adventurous cooks tackling roulades for the first time. 

Part of the preparation takes place the day before.

The taramasalata lifts the roulade out of the ordinary, its saltiness setting off the cream cheese.  

If taramasalata is not your thing, replace with a garlicky beetroot hummus and be sure to add 1/3 tsp cayenne for a kick.
Spinach Roulade with homemade
sun blush tomatos
Or try a single layer of 40% fat-reduced cream cheese. either:

1. pureed with 2 ounces smoked salmon and a few tablespoons of sun-blush toms, then stirring in another 2 ounces shredded smoked salmon

2. generously scattered with sun blush tomatoes and a few chopped artichoke hearts and/or olives    

Cost: £6'ish, depending on spinach & additions 
Serves: 6-10, depending on width of slices


   400gm/14oz fresh spinach, stems & grotty leaves removed (1 generous (250ml) cup after being cooked and squeezed)  

     10gm butter melted
       1/2 tsp powdered nutmeg, fresh grated if poss
       1/4-1/3 tsp salt and 1/3 tsp pepper, to taste 
       4 tbsp finely chopped chives 
       1/2 tsp cayenne (opt)

    4 room temperature large eggs, separated    

   100gm/3.5oz 40% fat-reduced cream cheese (or whole fat if not worried about cholesterol)
   zest of a half a lemon
   100gm/3.5oz taramasalata

   couple of tablespoons parmesan (opt)
  1. Line a 8.5x12in/22x31cm pan with greaseproof paper which extends beyond the tin; brush lightly with veg oil
  2. If spinach is not organic, blanch in a mix of 9 parts water to 1 part vinegar 20 mins before rinsing & draining 
  3. Without adding water, place spinach in a large pan over med-high heat  cook until spinach is completely wilted, reduced in volume & nearly dry (maybe 10 mins)
  4. Transfer spinach to a colander over a bowl; squeeze out as much water as you can by pressing it with the back of a spoon/ladle -- ending up with a generous (250ml) cupful spinach
  5. Chop roughly, refrigerate overnight in the sieve to allow extra moisture to drip through
  6. When ready to proceed, bring spinach to room temperature; squeeze once more for good luck 
  7. Melt butter over low heat; cool 
  8. Add to spinach along with nutmeg, chives, if using, & egg yolks; process coarsely till just blended
  9. Taste; season with salt & pepper; transfer to large bowl
  10. Preheat oven to 200c/400f, 180fan/350f or gas 6
  11. In a clean, dry bowl beat egg whites to stiff peaks; using a spatula, fold whites gently but quickly into spinach  --  slice through the mixture to the bottom and fold the contents over, turning the bowl clockwise as you go
  12. When there are only a few streaks of white left, pour into the tin; spread into corners and even out with a spatula
  13. Bake in the centre of the oven 15-20 mins until puffy & brown; it should not wobble but spring back lightly if pressed 
  14. Cool in tin 10 mins
  15. Cover a board with a clean tea towel and on top of that, a large sheet of greaseproof paper; sprinkle parmesan, if using, over the greaseproof 
  16. Loosen edges of roulade from baking paper; flip onto the greaseproof
  17. Carefully peel away the paper on the bottom of the roulade; roll up as tightly as you can (see tips) with seam underneath; leave to cool 
  18. When ready to serve, mix cream cheese & lemon zest
  19. Leaving an 1inch/2cm border, spread with a layer of cream cheese then a layer of taramasalata
  20. Roll up without squidging out the insides 
  21. Rest seam side down; trim ends; using a sharp serrated knife, slice into portions, cleaning the blade after each slice
  22. Serve with boiled baby potatoes and tender stem broccoli
'I could eat a lot of this; that's a good combo of textures' Political Agent, committed carnivore
'Good...but maybe better with a bit of a kick?' UK Campaign Manager/Finnish Instagram food blogger 
'Really good; blend of flavours is just right.' Hampstead Campaign Manager

  • the roulade will be easier to roll at step 17 if you make a tiny cut on both sides of the roll about 1/2inch/1cm in and fold it over before rolling 
*67 used M&S

                                                             More vegetarian/vegan on NavBar/Recipes II...

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This recipe has been adapted by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

SKINNIER, HEALTHIER TWO-POTATO CHAMP (ARCHIVE), Lower-fat, budget friendly, easy

A twist on the popular Irish dish, Champ: smooth & piquant, skinnier & frugal

Skinnier Two-potato champ, rich, creamy but healthier & lower in fat
(with egg & crisp fried ham hock)

'Great way to perkup a classic! And so simple and easy to prepare.'  Taster
photo 19/8/16
The carb-conscious should save up their weekly carb intake for this one; it's worth it!

Rich, light and smooth, flecked with tender spring onions, this champ - adapted from the Irish - is so much nicer than bubble & squeak.  It is also healthier.  Sweet potatoes are added to slow down carb release and add gorgeous colour.  0-fat yoghurt replaces some of the full-fat milk.  

Prep is made easier by baking the potatoes then peeling & mashing them.  

Served in the photo with eggs and crisply fried shredded ham hock, the 2-potato Champ can also be served as a budget-friendly main course.  It's good with pork, thickly sliced ham or bacon chops.  

Or mix in shards of cooked bacon or leftover meat, bake in a moderate oven and serve with vegetables or salad. Tuna and smoked mackerel would also work well.  

This is a perfect make-ahead dish; it reheats extremely well over boiling water, in microwaves or baked.

Cost:  £2 plus cost of any meat or animal protein
Feeds: 4-6

Thursday, 8 March 2018

LUXURY BANANA BREAD WITH CHOCOLATE, GINGER & GINGER CREAM: low-added-sugar, fresh fruit, higher fibre, leftovers

Bananas, chocolate & candied ginger make a winning combination in a gorgeous special occasion version of a family favourite... 

An utra-luxurious banana bread with a wow factor 

This luxury version of banana bread, studded with chunks of chocolate and shards of sweet stem ginger, is a knock-out.  The velvety topping of cream, yoghurt and ginger syrup is also wonderful.  

So often, banana breads - healthy, tasty and thrifty though they are - can be boring.  But banana and chocolate make a winning combination; add finely chopped ginger from syrup (in a jar) and you're onto a completely different level.

With banana breads, spontaneity is not an option.  Planning is required.  The bananas have to reach the right stage of ripeness: soft, spotty and almost black.  Don't be tempted to rush the process; banana bread that doesn't smell or taste of banana is just...sad.  

67's bananas were purchased when they were barely yellow and it took over a week to reach the right stage.  (Baking unripe bananas in the oven until the skins were black were a disaster, causing acute digestive problems!)

This cake is best baked on the day but the ingredients can be prepared and measured out the day before.  

Cost: £5.00'ish (Aug 23) 
Makes: one large 12-14 slice loaf


400-500gm/14-16oz unpeeled ripe bananas 

3 med eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
110gm/3.8oz sugar (white & brown is good)
175ml sunflower or light veg oil

255gm/9oz plain flour sifted (1/3 wholemeal flour raises fibre but white will do)
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 generous tbsp dried unsweetened coconut OR ground almonds

70gm/2.5oz choc chips or roughly chopped chocolate
42gm/1.5oz finely chopped drained ginger from syrup

   100mg whipping or double cream in stiff peaks
    100gm/3.5oz 0-fat Greek or Icelandic yogurt
       2 tbsp ginger syrup (from jar)
       1/2 ball ginger from syrup, in tiny matchsticks

Equipment: 1x2lb loaf tin; 3-4 lined cupcake moulds    
  1. Grease a 2lb loaf tin; line with a strip of greaseproof paper that extends over the edges
  2. Preheat oven to 180c/350f 
  3. Peel bananas; remove any rotten bits; mash thoroughly 
  4. Add: beaten eggs, vanilla, sugar & oil; using electric or a stand-alone beaters, whisk until thoroughly blended 
  5. Sift in flour, baking powder & salt; blend; stir in coconut
  6. Add chocolate & sweet ginger, distributing evenly
  7. Pour into tin
  8. Remove 1/2 cup of batter (trust me!) and pour into cupcake moulds
  9. Bake loaf in centre of oven 45-55 mins; if getting too brown, cover with greaseproof paper; place cupcakes on top shelf - they should be ready in 15-20 mins (a cocktail stick inserted into the middle will come out clean)
  10. Serve warm or at room temperature with topping 
  11. Topping: mix cream to stiff peaks; stir in yoghurt, ginger syrup & ginger 

'Good...very good!.' Campaign manager
'Unique; the topping was very special.' Intern, Boston University
'The cake is lovely and the cream gorgeous.' Political Agent
'I love the ginger and really enjoyed the blend of tastes.' Underground driver
'Really nice.  The cake is very tender; the ginger not overpowering.' Political Youth co-ordinator
'Lovely! I don't have a very sweet tooth but liked this, especially the fruity flavour and strong chocolate hint.  Wouldn't have minded more ginger but what there was gave a nice crunch.' Senior marketing/admin manager


For more lower sugar baking, go to NavBar/RecipesI: Baking...


This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.


Crispy crunchy low-fat 'chicken' gougons are an easy-peasy lunch for Dad to make for a vegan/veggie mum

first posted 2016; updated 2024
Crispy, spicy vegan 'chicken fingers' without the fat: a vegan treat for Mum

Here's a triple-duty Mothers' Day recipe for 'chicken' gougons that'll please a vegan/vegetarian Mum, small fussy eaters AND carnivores. 

In the current vegetarian/vegan climate, eco-friendly tofu is becoming more mainstream.  Plenty of innovative savoury tofu recipes are being developed, focusing on its role as a low-fat meat substitute which easily absorbs other  flavours.   

The gougons are usually eaten with low-sugar ketchup and/or yoghurt-mayo but if you're pulling out all the stops for Mum, add the boozy peach dipping sauce below.  

Preparation is easy and starts the night before.  Serve with baked potatoes or un-fried garlic wedges/sweet potato fries, going easy on the garlic mix for the kids, and Fantastic Frugal Salad.

Cost: £5'ish (but recipe halves nicely)
Serves: 2 adults, 2 kids 

    1.5 x280 gms firm organic tofu, in fingers (4 horizontal slices for each packet, each cut into 5-6 fingers; try not to make the fingers too fat - their 'chickenness' is easily lost)

    3/4 cup unstrained 0-fat yoghurt
    3 tbsp Dijon mustard
    2 small cloves garlic grated
    2.5-3.5 tbsp finely minced onion
    3/4 tsp salt  
    rounded 1/4 tsp pepper
    1.5 tsp celery salt (opt)

    3/4  tsp smoked paprika
    1/3 tsp thyme
    3/4 tsp oregano
    3/4 tsp cumin
    1/3 tsp dried coriander 
    OR INSTEAD of the 5 separate spices, 3  tsp Cajun seasoning

    1 generous  mug breadcrumbs (67 used home-made- stale bread whizzed in blender; Japanese panko crumbs are also good)  

  1. Prepare the night before
  2. Mix yoghurt and spices; pour half into a large glass tray
  3. Carefully place fingers in the mix; cover with the rest of the yoghurt 
  4. Cling film & refrigerate overnight
  5. When ready to cook, preheat oven to 450F, 220fan, 250C
  6. Cover a large tray with breadcrumbs
  7. Using a fish slice/spatula, carefully remove tofu fingers from yoghurt & place them on the crumbs; cover with the rest of the breadcrumbs, patting them on to the sides if necessary
  8. Generously spray the baking tray/s with olive or veg oil; use the spatula to transfer breadcrumbed fingers to the baking tray 
  9. Lightly spray top of fingers with oil
  10. Bake 35 mins, turning the fingers once
  11. Serve with ketchup (homemade if possible) and yoghurt-mayonnaise 

 Boozy peach (or nectarine), chilli & mint dipping sauce  
    1 large ripe peach/nectarine, stoned, coarsely chopped (or equiv tinned in juice, not syrup)
    1/3 raw yellow pepper, slightly less in weight than the peach
    2-3 tablespoons red onion
    1 tsp fresh mint or 1/3 tsp dried
    zest and juice of half a lime 
    brandy to taste, at least 1/4 cup
    1/2 tsp maple syrup (opt)
  1.  Blitz until smooth with stick or bowl blender
  2.  Refrigerate a few hours, pref overnight for flavours to blend
  3.  Taste; add pepper and a bit of salt
  • Care is required getting the gougons onto the baking tray without breaking them
  • Leftover firm tofu can be used in stir-fries or can be sliced, breaded & baked (as for gougons) and used as sandwich fillings
  • a more extravagant salad requiring little cooking is 3-minute Asparagus, Pea & Corn
For more vegan/vegetarian radishes  go to NavBar/RecipesII:Vegetarian...


This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission