Tuesday, 31 January 2023


Waste not, want not...
 Leftover salad materials add colour and texture to Fried Rice

67goingon50 is used to cooking salad ingredients  -- Asian chefs often incorporate them in stir fries and turn them into garnishes in soups.  (Try lean pork and cucumber, Art of Stir Fry)  

This post's two recipes are  great clean-out-the-salad-drawer dishes, essential in these ultra-budget-conscious, swap-ingredients-in-and-out tumultuous times.  

They're also Triple Duty, suitable for plant, fish or meat diners.


As a means of using up some of the things in your fridge, this recipe is ace.  Tasty as all get out, any leftover cooked meat or fish, cooked veg and salad veg can be used.  Cubed firm-set tofu, plain or spiced, is also good. 

Don't be afraid to stir-fry cucumber, radish or tomatoes -- they add a wonderful edge and help moisten rice which can be a little dry.

Cost: max £2.00'ish (2023)
Feeds: 1-2

   1/2 mug diced raw cucumber
   1/4 mug sliced radish
   5-6 thickly sliced mushrooms   
   at least one heaping mugful of cold cooked rice  
   1-2 med tomato, seeds and all, diced, sprayed lightly with olive oil and lightly salted
   1 tsp grated fresh ginger
   1 tsp grated garlic  
   at least half a mugful of cold cooked diced meat OR flaked fish OR firm tofu (marinade plain tofu in a 1-1 mix of soy sauce and sherry/wine/grape juice for 20 mins)
    Oyster Sauce or Reduced Salt Soy Sauce (used sparingly)

Optional Garnish: 
fried eggs 
OR 1 well beaten egg, fried and cut into strips

  1. Stir fry cucumber, radish & mushrooms over high heat in a pan lightly sprayed with groundnut (peanut) or other light veg oil for 1-2 mins
  2. Add rice, tomato, ginger & garlic.  Stir quickly; add protein.
  3. Reduce heat to med-high, cover pan and allow to steam gently for a couple of minutes or until heated through.
  4. Add a scant tablespoon of oyster or soy sauce; stir through rice mixture.
  5. Taste for seasoning.  Add pepper but only a little salt.
  6. If not using other protein, topped with one fried egg per person or strips of a cooked omelette 
  7. Serve.

Broth Cup

Salad veg that is off its best and even a bit bruised is perfect for vegetarian stock.  
 67 originally intended to use the veg to add to and intensif classic veg stock.  But after just half an hour of cooking, the salad veg produced stock sweet and deeply flavoured enough to stand on its own.   

Costs: little
Feeds: depends on how much salad & veg you have

    1-2 generous mugs of any or all of: lettuce, cucumber, mushrooms, radishes, tomatoes, carrots, celery and any other raw veg except beets
   1 large onion
   1-2 small chillis, seeds & membrane removed (opt)
   4-5 cloves garlic, grated (you won't taste them)
   1 generous tbsp fresh ginger, peeled & grated, or 3/4 tsp dried
   1 med-large potato (opt)
   handful fresh herbs including parsley or thyme, or 1 tbsp dried
   1 bay leaf
   enough water to cover veg by at least 2 inches


CHINESE NEW YEAR HOME-MADE DUMPLING PARTY 2023: triple duty. lower-fat, healthier

Have a look at Welcome to the Blog (on the nav bar above)
for more foodie information 

Chinese New Year of the Rabbit celebrations continue until this weekend (5 Feb) so there's still time to enjoy a fun-filled Dumpling Party for friends and family. 

Last Sunday's celebrations were quite something, as seen by this news footage from the BBC

Chinese dumplings, gorgeous little parcels of steamed pastry stuffed with savoury filling and dipped into exotic sauces, are easy to make at home. 

They do need a little planning but with the help of group members provide a lot of fun...as well as delicious and unusual eats!

And with 67goingon50's modifications, they're healthier than most. Dumplings come in many forms and are perfect for a crowd of mixed carnivores,  vegetarians and vegans.  

Dumplings are embedded in Chinese history -- enjoyed, it is said, over more than a thousand years.  They are a version of Chinese pasta and might well have been sampled by Marco Polo.

Over the last few Chinese New Years, 67's healthier dumpling recipes, with clear instructions & photos, have been popular with the blog's regular visitors. 

In this post, you'll find gorgeous pan-steamed/cooked Triple Duty dumplings, crispy oven-baked low-fat vegan rice paper parcels and an adventurous pastry/gluten-free vegetarian dumpling.  

Plus several stunning sauces.  

And to wash it down, glorious Pomelo & Lemongrass champers, prosecco or for non-drinkers, fizzy water. 

Cost: chef's choice, see individual recipes
Feeds: a crowd

DELICATELY CRISPY VEGAN DUPLINGS: baked not fried with sensational low-sugar 67 Sweet Chilli Dipping Sauce.  Some prep-ahead.
The pastry is beautifuly crisp though not brown in the usual way,  
and doesn't  shatter into shards on your chest!  

GLUTEN FREE TOFU DUMPLINGS: vegan, pastry/gluten-free, healthier, prep in advance
Great change from the usual

TRIPLE DUTY JAOTZE: common meeting ground for vegans & non-vegans
67 recalibrated a traditional recipe to take account of end-of-January budgets and worries about fat and salt.  Techniques were modified to make prep easier.  

POMELO & LEMONGRASS FIZZ: easy, low-sugar, alcohol-free option
 Pomelo & Lemongrass is an enticing blend, unpretentious and nicely balanced. Mixed with champagne, it is ambrosial; even in fizzy water, it's delightful.  

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This recipe has been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  It may not be reproduced without the author's written permission

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

SAVOURY WAFFLES: wallet-friendly, healthy, sugar-free, lower-fat, dairy-free option,uses up leftovers

Savoury waffles are an unusual - but tasty - twist on bread/crackers alongside soups, stews and salads.
original 2023; updated 2025

Crispy-edged Savoury Waffles, puffy, soft and filled with colourful goodies.  
Perfect for dipping into soups & stews or buttered like bread. 
'Oh my!  These are really something else.  More, please!' Taster

These waffles are absoutely brilliant. 

Their crispy crunchy edges enclose puffy soft interiors stuffed with ham or pastrami, bell peppers, corn & spring onions. 

While the meat & veg make the waffles the delight they are, only small wallet-friendly amounts are needed.  (67's came from leftovers.) 

And, if you're a busy person, the batter can be part prepared the night before.

Served warm or at room temperature, the waffles can be buttered like bread or scones, or dipped into soup. 

On their own, they are a great afternoon snack or a portable mid-morning treat at the office.  

Cost: £2'ish (less, depending on leftovers (2023)
Makes: 8-10 1/4 cup single waffles

115 g plain white flour +
35 g wholemeal flour (or 150g plain white flour)
2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch salt & pepper

One egg separated

300 mg dairy or additive-free plant milk like almon
2 tablespoons light veg oil

generous 1/3c chopped ham, pastrami or spiced beef 
1/4 cup red or green bell pepper in small small dice
generous 1/3 cup drained corn niblets
small handful finely sliced green onions



This one is for those who love chicken livers...and there are more out there than you think!

Economical, richly savoury chicken livers braised with bacon, rice & veg
'So generously studded with veg and meat it's like a celebration...' Taster

For many, chicken livers are an acquired taste.  But cooked properly, they are magnificent -- tender, creamy, smooth, and very meaty. 

They're great if you're hungry and in a hurry for a high protein meal.  

And if you're watching the pennies - and aren't we all? - there's very little waste.

67 only buys organic livers or livers from a good independent butcher.  

Waitrose has recently been selling 400g/14.1oz organic livers for £3; that's enough for 3 generous portions, probably more for a canny cook.

Standard livers are usually £1.50 for the same weight.

Chicken livers are versatile.  Add them to mince to make a ragout for pasta go further and enrich flavour and texture.  Cook with fruit and curry spices for the flavour of the souk. (See the popular Spiced Chicken Liver with Figs)  Throw them in a hot pan with bacon, tomatoes and basil for a simple sauce to smother a carb.  Or make a glorious smooth but punchy low-cholesterol pate.

Liver'n Bacon with Braised Rice is basically a one-pot meal and though it involves waiting time, it is pretty easy.  The resulting flavour is more than worth it.

It's also very forgiving --  less of one thing or more of another is no problem.

Cost: £2.50'ish, depending on veg in fridge (1/23)
Serves: 1-2 generously


Prepare ingredients before starting

1/2 tbsp oil & 1/2 tbsp butter
1 med onion diced (red, yellow or whites of spring onions)
1/3 red pepper, membranes removed, in med dice
1/3 cup diced celery
130gm chicken livers, connective tissue removed, in 1 cm slices
1-2 slices back bacon, fat removed, in 1/2 cm slices OR pastrami or lamb sausage poached 10 mins to fremove fat
1/2-2/3 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup water or stock
splash of sherry (opt)
splash of soy, oyster or hoisin sauce
dash of Worcestershire (opt)
generous 1/2 cup courgette in finger sized sticks, 
Garnish: coarsely chopped parsley or thingly sliced spring onions



Carrots are still a relatively cheap vegetable these days and it's easy to forget how tasty they are.  In a soup, roast, boiled, as a dip or raw, carrots are filling and a delight for the eyes.  
Comforting Carrot, Ginger & Lemon Potage (with Crispy Savoury Waffles)

In the final days of a freezing January, 67's Carrot & Ginger Potage --rich and thick with gentle undertones of ginger and lemon -- calms and satisfies.  

Served with Savoury Carnival Waffles (posted this week), on the side or for dipping, it becomes quite the wallet-friendly treat. 

If the budget runs to organic carrots, the flavours are even better.

Cost: under a pound
Serves: 2-3 but doubles easily


1/2 tbsp olive oil
good knob of butter 

medium onion, chopped or coarsely processed
3 sticks celery, coarsely chopped

350 g carrots, washed and thinly sliced
1.5 tablespoons fresh grated ginger (or 1.5 tsp ground ginger) - it's not strong, just adds a gentle layer of flavour

generous half-to-2/3 litre chicken or good vegetable stock (granules fine) 

juice of half a lemon 
salt and pepper

Garnish: lemon slices; chopped parsley


Tuesday, 17 January 2023

THE YEAR OF THE RABBIT CELEBRATIONS in London's Chinatown & surroundings

The Year of the Rabbit arrives on 22nd January.  Wasn't that quick?

Replica Qing Dynasty Gate in London's Chinatown 
Leicester Square End of Wardour St)

In Chinese culure, the rabbit is considered the luckiest the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac. It symbolizes mercy, elegance, and beauty. Rabbit people are said to be calm and peaceful, avoiding at all times fighting and arguing. They are often artistic and display good taste in life.

After the last year, we should be so lucky!!

Fierce Stone lions on Gerrard Street guarding London's Chinatown

London's Chinatown is adding to the Christmas decorations that they didn't bother taking down.  Restaurants are gearing up for the influx of European and other visitors arriving for some of the best Chinese food outside of Hong Kong and mainland China.

The usual colourful parade, free stage performances in Trafalgar Square and across the West End,and tradtional Chinese food will also be on offer.  Details are being finalised; check here for details.

At home Households are searching for tasty Chinese meals they can whip up quickly and easily during the two weeks of celebrations.  A few of the Blogger's favourites are listed elsewhere in the post.

Iif you're headed to Chinatown for traditional Dim Sum lunch,order, here's a guide to help your ordering.  

Also, if you're worried about eating healthily in Chinse restaurants, never fear.  Modern Chinese chefs are pretty well versed in low-fat cooking but a guide to how to pace yourself and - if you want - how to restrict what you order without losing taste and textuire may be helpful.

How to...do Dim Sum lunches

Eating healthily in Chinese restaurants

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Theae recipes have  been developed by B Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.

THRIFTY HOME-MADE CHINESE FOOD IN A JIFFY : Lower-fat & sugar, incl. very quick

Have a look at Welcome to the Blog (on the nav bar above)
for information on updates of favourite outlets for food, equipment and refreshment of a spiritual nature

Chinese New Year celebrations last a fortnight so there's plenty of time to try these quick, easy and wallet-friendly recipes.

Chicken Thighs Braised with Sherry & Soy Sauce - Chinese comfort food: a little effort turns supermarket standards into something special 


Poached Chicken with 3 sauces - a treat for slimmers; healthy, ultra-succulent, with a choice of fabulous sauces


 Roast Chicken with an Oriental Twist - for the adventurous; guys love this 


Pensioners' Delight Beef Noodle Soup - some prep-ahead; nutritious, satisfying,  low on calories and fat; frugal


Stir-fried Beef & Peppers in Black Bean Sauce: classic restaurant dish, made easily at home



Vegan Tofu with Chillis & Broccoli - colourful and appetising


Skinny Asian Pork Bao, low-salt & sugar: tasters loved the taste & texture

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Theae recipes have  been developed by B Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.

Tuesday, 10 January 2023

BRAISED LETTUCE & PEAS, for small households; healthy, high fibre, quick & easy

This sweet, rich veggie dish is a great way to use up lettuce before it goes on the turn.

Everyone loves the freshness and crispness of lettuce at this time of year.

But the problem with lettuce is that, enjoy it though we do, no one wants it every  single day.  Inevitably the leaves go off and ends up in the bin.

This recipe, for warmed lettuce, is a godsend.  It lightly braises the leaves with peas in a gentle sauce.  No 'boring old lettuce' again!

Cost: £1'ish
Feeds: 1-2


1 tsp butter
1 tsp olive oil 
scant teaspoon flour
7ml veg or chicken stock

2 spring onions or small shallot or 1/2 small yellow, thinly sliced
100gm/3.5 oz frozen peas
salt & pepper

1/2-2/3 gem lettuce med sliced
2-3 small tomatoes, seeds removed, coarsely chopped (opt)

juice 1/2 lemon
dribble of olive oil (opt)

  1. In a small saucepan, melt butter and oil together over med heat; stir in flour - leave a minute or so; whisk in stock, cook 1-2 mins
  2. Add onions & peas, season generously, cook stirring occasionally
  3. When peas are half cooked, add lettuce leaves; cover, leave 1-2 mins until peas & legttuce are tender but still with bite
  4. Stir in tomatoes
  5. Dribble over lemon juice and extra oil, if using
  6. Serve

'Very tasty and really good textures. Can see it with other veg replacing peas.'

Wilting lettuce, if cleaned and trimmed, can be added to soup stock in the last stages to add flavour

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This recipe has  been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  It may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

Pensioner/Twosome Delight: Vegan 'Steak' & Gravy: frugal, healthier, uses up leftovers; carnivore option

Have a look at Welcome to the Blog (on the nav bar above)
for information on recent'ish changes to Belsize Park grocers and eateries 

This is a recipe that proves frugal can be fabulous... 
Vegan 'Steak' Stew with mashed potatoes (but without parsley garnish)
and Peas Braised with Lettuce

It fits in with Veganuary - but honestly, if there's a carnivore in the house who isn't paying enough attention, they'll think it's a variant on a meat stew! 

Bog-standard mushrooms are very cheap, helpful when belts are being tightened financially as well as physically.  You can dress the stew up by replacing some of the mushrooms with exotic varieties.  But thickly cut white button 'shrooms cooked in the thick, rich, beautifully-flavoured gravy over carbs is a tasty, heathy  treat for not much money.  

Well-flavoured mash will use up Christmas taters and/or root veg.  Or, from the cupboard, cheap and cheeerful pasta with butter, or easy-cook white rice, forms a  comforting base.  

Frugal stock cubes or granules add bags of flavour (or make-your-own veggie stock with wilting onions & veg),  and if you have any leftover red wine tucked away, it'll boost the richness.

Vegan 'Steak' Stew is a stovetop recipe; no oven required. 

Cost: min £2'ish, depending on cupboard ingreds.

Feeds: 2 with leftovers; max 4


1 tb butter
1 tb olive oil
2 shallots OR 1 small yellow OR red onion, thinly sliced
1 stick celery finely chopped 

1 med clove garlic, grated (you won't taste it but it adds depth)
300gm/10.5oz closed cup mushrooms, sliced thickly (67 used 200gm leftover button mushrooms, 100gm oyster mushrooms and a reconstituted dried Shitake mushrooms 'cause they were there) 
1/4 tsp each fresh thyme, salt & pepper (if no fresh thyme, add dried rosemary)

1tb flour
2tb brandy, sherry, wine or grape juice
400 ml decent veg stock (include 125ml red wine if you have it) 
4tb Worcestershire sauce
2 tb tom puree 
1 tsp cranberry sauce (or sugar or maple syrup)
2/3 tbsp Dijon mustard

garnish: 2 tb fresh parsley

Serve with a carb and veg (67 used Braised Lettuce & Peas, in this week's post)  

*Tinned Tomatoes and Gourmet Housewife

  1. Over a med heat, cook onions & celery in fats  until soft
  2. Add garlic, &mushrooms & season; cook, stirring occasionally, until 'shrooms have released their juices and are soft without being mushy (it'll take a few minutes)
  3. Sprinkle over flour; stir; add the rest of the ingredients
  4. Partially cover with a lid; keep heat at medium; leave to cook 20-30 mins
  5. Taste; if not thick enough for your taste add 1 tsp cornflour mixed with cold water; if too thick, add stock little by little
  6. Serve in deep platters with carbs underneath, the 'shrooms with gravy on top and veg of choice
'Really wow! Fabulous flavour, great texture. And so inexpensive!' Retired Writer

Suitable veg: peas, baby tomatoes, braised fennel, asparagus, green beats OR for carnivores: ham,,chicken or seafood.

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This recipe has  been developed by B M Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises.  It may not be reproduced without the author's written permission