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Comforting lunch as we hang on for spring...
1st posted 2/21; updated 3/23
Cooked properly, Pork is not as unhealthy as we think; try this reduced-fat casserole, richly flavoured with pale ale, apples and root veg 'Lovely and rib-sticking; so comforting and satisfying.' Taster |
Though signs of spring are encouraging, it's not yet time to whip out lighter recipes with plenty of salad, poultry and fish.
If you're getting bored with chicken and beef though, pork is a great between-seasons meat.
It is good value right now; 600g/21.1oz shoulder steak is currently £5 at M&S and a leg joint with crackling is £9 per kilo. But if you're not in the mood, buy, freeze and save for the Easter Holidays.
On the health front, pork is one of the meats recommended for those low on Vitamin D.
Slow-cooked with with lots of inexpensive root veg, flavoured with cider or pale ale, this rib-sticking recipe will feed 6-8 generously. And it is such a lovely golden colour -- not brown!!
Pork steak is not as lean as leg or fillet of pork but depending on how it's cooked, fat can be sharply reduced.
The casserole pictured is heavy on potatoes - both white and sweet - a favourite of the 90+ retired priest for whom it was cooked. Some of the potatoes can be replaced without loss of flavour or texture.
Leftovers can be frozen or turned into a thick soup served over rice, noodles or toast.
67 recommends using a slow cooker but instructions for oven or stovetop cooking are included.
Cost: £7'ish using pork shoulder steaks (Mar 2023)
Feeds: 6-8 (the recipe halves nicely)
500gm casserole pork OR pork steaks, shoulder or leg in large dice
2-3 tbsp seasoned flour
1-2 tbsp oil
1 cup onion, in large dice
2 garlic cloves, finely grated
2/3 cup thickly sliced carrots
2/3 cup celery, peeled & in good sized chunks
2/3 cup swede or parsnips, in med dice (or 2/3 cup each)
1.5 cups peeled white potatoes, in good sized chunks
2/3 cup peeled sweet potato, in good sized chunks (opt)
250ml pale ale or apple cider or white wine
approx 175ml good vegetable stock
1 large crisp apple peeled & cored, in fine dice
1 cup frozen peas AND/OR
1 cup frozen mixed veg
1-2 tbsp Dijon mustard
salt & pepper