Monday 19 August 2024

CHIVE OIL: all purpose, almost instant, triple duty

Quick and easy hit of flavour for hot or cold foods... 
Lovely shimmering pot of flavour, subtle yet un-subdued 

This subtle savoury green oil*  is so quick and easy, it'll be a godsend for busy professionals who stagger home from work, barely able to face searing some fish or meat for supper.  Dollop on some of this and taste buds will be tantalised and soothed. 

It will raise the game for any fish or meat, tofu, pasta and even popcorn.

67 recommends it for Poached Chicken which can be easily cooked on the weekend and portioned out for portable lunches or the freezer.

If you like a stronger hit of flavour, additions such as grated ginger, a shot of hot sauce, or fresh chillis/chilli flakes or will be needed.  67 brushed this mix on to raw chicken and roasted it; the flavour was very subtle but somehow elevated the essence of good chicken.

The oil lasts 4 days in the fridge; small households could halve the recipe.

Cost: £1.25'ish (8/24)
Makes: 1/2 cup

   2 generous tablespoons chives
   2 garlic cloves
   1/2 cup olive/peanut oil
   1 tsp sea salt

  1. Throw everything into a blender or smoothie maker; process 10 seconds
  2. Warm gently over med heat (optional)
  3. Drizzle a few tablespoons over chosen protein
  4. Keeps in fridge up to 4 days
*Table 10 N7 New York via BA magazine

More at Sauces/Dips

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The amendments to this recipes have been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

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