Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Christmas Dinner

How to...Turkey   

How to...Gravy  includes vegetarian, Jaimie's classic and with red wine  

How to...Make-Your-Own Cranberry Sauce: for sophisticates or kids kids'

Don't Fancy Turkey This Year? incl: poultry, beef, pork, fish, vegetarian/vegan


    (Please check against current prices)

Vegetarian Pate & Mushroom Dome with
Vegetarian Red Wine Gravy 

Turkey prices are expected to be high again this Christmas.

Pairing up with a pal to buy half a bird each is possible, as is buying a joint of turkey.  In past years, Selfridges sold solitary (large) legs and wings but the meat department has just been taken over by the very posh Donald Russell.  Markets or frozen supermarket birds may be the better bet.  

If your household is opting for something smaller but doesn't want to sting on the usual trimmings, these recipes from the archive offer scrumptious main courses.  They run the range from spectacular to frugal, some are quite healthy, most are easy and some can be prepped in advance. 

Buy the best you can afford.  If organic is out of the question, some higher welfare meats are a good third cheaper.  But even common-all-garden supermarket meat, presented in an exciting new way, can provide a tasty attractive crowd-pleaser for the festive table. 

The usual alternative to the Big Bird is Chicken but others are guinea fowl and capon, pork, beef, lamb and fish, vegetarian or vegan delights.  


Festive Desserts including 'Cheats" treats: indulgent and wallet friendly

OK, we can indulge during the Christmas and Hannukah, and any of these terrific recipes is guaranteed to wow guests and family.  

Some are easy, some healthier than most; some 'never-mind-the-calories; just enjoy the deliciousness!'  But all are mouthwatering and utterly delicious.

Options include luxury, tea-time, easy, vegan & cheats' delights.

Many have not appeared in previous compilations.
Note: for those celebrating Hannukkah, the dairy free options are clearly marked.  Or some friends make the cream-filled desserts as a special treat but wait 1-6 hours after the main course before offering them to guests.

Many posted Prices do not reflect recent inflation; note the dates on the individual posts, top left hand above the photo. 


1.  SPECIAL OCCASION -- Pure Indulgence

Luxury Pistachio Cheesecake: pale richly creamy fillling, studded with bright green chopped pistachios, slathered over a generous crumb crust

Singleton's Quick & Easy Chocolate Coconut Cream Torte; 15 mins prep; option for full size:high calories but wallet-friendly ingredients. Tasters said: 'Restaurant quality; sublinme; light, airy and delicious.

Egg Nog Truffles: boozy, creamy rich indulgence, surprisingly easy to make

Choco-Mint Croissant Bread & Butter Pudding: Truly To die for.  Households have  been known to make one for Christmas Mass supper and another for Christmas Day.  Rich, light, gooey, with a crispy top, the intensity of chocolate sends guests into raptures.  Cook's Delight: its made 3 days before it's needed and left until it's time to bake.

Triple Chocolate & Cointreau Shortbread, melts in the mouth, warms as it goes down!


Creamy Pineapple Pudding, thrifty, easy, dairy free opt, choice of fruit

Boozy Orange Marmalade Bread & Butter Pudding: Inexpensive but yummy with an alcoholic twist 


Sensational Lemon-Mint Angel Food Cakes: tender fluffy interiors with unexpectedly  crackly tops. Think they look boring?  Prepare to be blown away!  

Blueberry, Pineapple & Walnut Cake: rich, fine-crumbed Blueberry, Pineapple & Nut Cake is the perfect indulgence for visitors/guests. Tasters loved it.

Light Gingerbread Sheet Cake - (Dairy-free option) gingerbread cake but not as we know it, Jim: it's lighter and less gummy, fine textured and 'scrummy' without losing its gingery-ness.  Heavily praised by tasters!


Skinny Chocolate Peppermint Mousse:  Dairy-free unless you want it as a to - and the pudding's choolate flavours are still deep & dark.  Option to replace mint with fresh fruit soaked in liqueur.  
Light & lovely but still intensely chocolatey; 
no-bake, butter-free, cream optional

Luscious Lemon Puddinggloriously gorgeous crowd-pleaser; diary-free option:; yoghurt lightens & enhances creaminess and flavour; 67's Foolproof lemon curd instead of shop-bought elevates the dish

4.  Easy-Peasy

4-ingredient shortbread: dairy-free option; first class melt-in-the-mouth Scottish treatneeds only butter, sugar, flour and flavouring. And you can leave out the flavouring!  Perfect for a cost of living crisis. 


Special Occasion Lemon Drizzle Cake: VEGAN, Indulgent, fat & egg free.  Easily the best of the vegan cake recipes tested by 67goingon50.  Truly fabulous taste & texture but cake has a maddening tendency to sink in the middle but taste & texture not affected, just fill the dip with fresh fruit!

Cherry Garcia Ice Cream: VEGAN , easy-peasy; the nicest, tastiest, healthiest ice cream ever; no cream - just bananas...

'Irish Coffee' Chocolate Cake':  Vegan-glorious; dark, rich and gorgeously chocolatey, the cake is fine-crumbed and hints of whiskey.  The frothy topping is served on the side or turned into icing 

Pomelo (Chinese grapefrut) fruit platter with Cinnamon Vanilla Yoghurt Cream: wallet-friendly, low-fat 

Orange Berry Plate: fresh, colourful, guilt-free, budget friendly


Cheat's Christmas Log: 
When the pressure's on, a good supermarket Swiss Roll, smothered in simple home-made chocolate ganache, makes a great impression.  

Cheat's Black Forest TrifleSimple, light but ever-so-delicious, so yummy & quick

For more Christmas dishes, see How to...on the Nav Bar above; they're 2/3 of the way down the page

    These recipes have been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

How to...Cranberry Sauce

While 67goingon50 always has on hand a jar of supermarket Cranberry Sauce (preferably with Port) for emergencies, when it comes to Christmas dinner Cranberry Sauce is always home-made and always from fresh berries

Neither difficult nor time-consuming, make-your-own cranberry sauce is lower in sugar, free of the usual preservatives and so tasty, diners are astounded.  Once you've made your own, there will be no going back

Cranberry Red Wine Sauce
Easy, make ahead, low sugar & preservative 

Sophisticated, a little different but full of character.  Punchy but not over-the-top, savoury rather than sweet with a hit of fresh ginger  - and all the better for it.  Tasters usually reel back a little, go 'Whoa!!' and enthusiastically dig in again.

Kid-friendly Cranberry Orange & Cinnamon Sauce
Make ahead, lower sugar & preservatives; freeze till needed
Does what it says on the tin; kids love it, especially the jewel-like texture

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This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.

Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Vegetable sides, hot & cold, for Christmas & Hannukka

Obviously sprouts feature hugely at this time of year and 67 offers several delightful versions, in addition to root vegetable and salad alternatives 

Vegan with carnivore option, low-salt, low cost.  Relax; this is so easy & tasty, you can get on with the rest of Christmas dinner without worries!
Simple but sensational: Steamed Sprouts with Savoury Spice Mix & Lemon
'Makes sprouts a tasty must-have; the spice mix utterly makes it!'

Every festive table needs raw food - salad or fruit - to offset the richness of festive dishes.  This multi-textured slaw is one less vegetable to cook, prepped ahead & refrigerated until needed.

                                Vegan, easy-peasy, eat hot or cold
Unusual but sophisticated combo for an intriguing delicious side that won't take up oven space!  Dairy-free, kids options.

Vegetarian with vegan opt, wallet-friendly, gluten-free, high fibre
Stonkingly delicious sprout latkes with a tangy balsamic sauce: a worthy addition to any festive table 


67 makes no apologies for including these recipes from Jaimie Oliver for zhuzzing up carrots & parsnips for Christmas dinner or Hannakah.  The carrots are roasted with oil, honey or maple syrup, rosemary and clementine.  The parsnips, by contrast, are roasted in olive oil, red wine vinegar and bay leaves. Cook in separate pans or in 2 foil packets in one pan.

oven roasted: perfect consistency
Careful preparation ensures the dense round sprouts, starchy parsnips
 and crunchy baby corn are all ready at the same time.

SINGLE VEGETABLE SALADS: Wallet friendly, healthy (recipe includes all three salad veg shown here)

  • One vegetable transforms into a crisp, tart salad in minutes...giving them a new ease of life

    Radishes in tangy creamy dressing, dairy-free option

Cucumber, in sweet & sour sauce

Lettuce with Green Herb 

These recipes have been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced without the author's written permission.

Holiday Breads, Rolls & Crackers: Luxury, Family & in-between

Even the most disciplined dieter is unlikely to resist a bit of bread during the holidays, especially if it is a mouthwatering offering from the archive. 

This post includes unforgettable items which pack a culinary punch when trying to impress guests, tasty wallet-friendly treats for family meals and something in-between when rewarding family for good behaviour! 

And guess what?  Many of the items are ultra easy and take little time to prepare(kids will love getting stuck in)

67goingon50's favourite celebration breads:


Luxuriuous Date & Nut Crackers: for cheese
Vegetarian, Dairy-free option, fat-free: prep ahead; slice & bake as needed
The stuff of heaven, a crispy take on fruit and nut breads.  Crunchy and delicately earthy; the crackers require a bit of a financial outlay if you haven't a store of nuts and seeds on hand.  That said, the recipe makes 50-70 crackers.  

an essential for the cheese course; easy-peasy
Versatile: a centrepiece on a cheeseboard, a healthier alternative - or addition - to the usual Cinnamon buns Or pick-me-up toast the morning after indulgent evenings. 

Exquisite home-made cream crackersegg-free, easy, prep ahead, dairy-free option
Crisp white shards - broken not cut - are a stunning surprise: so far above shop-bought in taste and texture as to be a different animal. As easy as scones; the  dough can be frozen for a month.




with corn niblets, chilli & spring onions, 1 bowl wonder
Tender and slightly sweet but with a kick of heat; it's low-sugar, yeast-free and comes in slices or muffins; perfect for brunch, dinner and pot-lucks.  The version pictured has a small amount of wholemeal flour but you can stick with plain white.  

This one is for foccacia-lovers who don't like kneading and will wait 24 hours (or more) for the dough to rest.  (It's worth it!!)
Heavenly foccacia with very little effort;

SIMPLE DAILY BREADS: quick prep: even tweenagers can make them

                          Cheese & Nut Light Wholemeal Loaf
An easy-peasy light healthy loaf; a stir or two and it's virtually ready for baking.  Ambrosial warm from the oven.   

                             Lower-sugar Sweet Bread/Rolls
Sweetened with dried fruit not sugar, this lovely bread is for a leisurely holiday breakfast/brunch with family & guests 

Quick & Easy rustic soda breads are terrifically versatile and egg & butter free (from left: Olive; Walnut & Seeds; Dried Cherry with Nuts & Seeds)
Perfect for small households - freezes well!

rish Soda Breads are a lifesaver in busy households: there's no kneading or rising; no preservative and the amount of salt is controlled. 10 mins prep, max.  It's uber tasty and beautifully textured - make it top of your home baking list. 

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This recipe has been developed by B  Lee/ Bright Sun Enterprises and may not be reproduced, in any form, without the author's written permission.